The Secret Doings of the Politico Editorial Meeting
This is damned awesome — a very cool website and a damned funny take on the ohsoinsidery Politico:
Tags: Complicit Media
This is damned awesome — a very cool website and a damned funny take on the ohsoinsidery Politico:
Tags: Complicit Media
Politico did a story on how Bunning’s filibuster is putting Republicans in a tough spot. So I’m reading the story and I’m thinking – why should I care if Republican or Democratic lawmakers are embarrassed by Bunning? They should be, he’s an embarrassment. Why am I not hearing stories about how the people who lost their benefits or their jobs are feeling?
Politico is not the first publication to be extremely meta, but don’t you think this is the problem with political reporting these days? It’s all about the horserace and how people in Washington feel about different developments. Why don’t we hear more about the lives of people who aren’t reporters, socialites or elected officials?
I’m here to win the morning.
Hysterical, but a nice dig at the state of traditional political reporting, where Republicans or Democrats or the White House or the Congress can Win the Day. Win the *messaging* day, that is. So that the reporting ends up being about who has the better PR effort and not necessarily about the details of policy. Or even — gasp — whether the PR being slung at us is even true. It is about being in the service of the company town that is DC — all of this business about being the 4th estate and holding government accountable is largely no longer operable with few exceptions (McClatchy comes to mind as someone who works at it).