Delaware Liberal

Castle Votes Against Jobs… AGAIN.

Our inteprid supposedly bipartisan independently independent “Best from Delaware” Congressman, Mike “Party of No” Castle, has voted against creating jobs once again, this afternoon. The first time was back in November, when he voted against the larger House bill. His excuse at the time was that he wanted to vote for a jobs bill, just not the House jobs bill. Last week, Mike “Dickhead” Castle proclaimed that he would vote for the Senate jobs bill, a bipartisan bill that garnered the votes of many of the supposedly moderate Republican Senators in the Senate that Castle hopes to join, including Scott Brown, Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins.

The bipartisan bill has four key provisions including a payroll tax holiday for businesses to encourage hiring, additional funds to help small businesses expand, an extension of the Highway Trust Fund to allow more infrastructure investments, and an expansion of the Build America Bonds program to allow states finance infrastructure projects. Granted, it is too small, but remember, this is the bill that last week Mike Castle said he would vote for, if he were in the Senate. I suppose since he is still in the House and has no mind of his own, he just had to continue voting with his Party of No.

Make up your mind, Mike Castle. Are you for jobs, or not? Are you independent minded, or not? Are you bipartisan, or not? Seems to me that all Mike Castle is right now is John Boehner’s bitch.

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