Delaware Liberal

Thursday Open Thread

It’s Thursday and boy has this week flown by fast. It’s more than halfway over now! So, are you ready for your open thread?

Sarah Palin may not be Vice President but she soon may be unavoidable. She’s reportedly shopping a Palin reality series around those Hollywood liberals:

With Mark “Survivor” Burnett in tow, the former Alaska Governor has had every door open up in front of her this week in L.A. as she supposedly has been pitching a high impact, big vistas look at her home state. Reports say Palin’s been to ABC, Fox and NBC on Wednesday and will visit to CBS on Thursday

I guess Fox doesn’t have Palin under exclusivity. I’m sure Sarah Palin will approach a reality show with as much dignity as she’s approached everything else. Oh, by the way, she’s writing another book.

An investigation by NPR revealed that Toyota is not the only car company with sudden acceleration problems:

The just-released NPR report details consumer complaints to federal regulators regarding accelerator issues have also been problematic for Volkswagen, Volvo and Honda, among other manufacturers.

The analysis covers about 15,000 complaints filed over the past decade, covering cars back to the 1990 model year. The complaints were filed with the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA) which regulates auto safety.

In 2009 models, for example, NHTSA identified 251 complaints alleging sudden acceleration and related problems.

Full NPR investigation can be found at this link. I’m sure you won’t be surprised to learn that these problems were not addressed earlier in some part due to failure to enforce existing regulations.

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