Public Service Announcement — President Obama at Arcadia U on Monday

Filed in National by on March 6, 2010

You’ve heard that President Obama will be in the area on Monday morning to talk about health insurance reform and he’ll be speaking at Arcadia University. Tickets are required (free but required) and you get them this way:

Tickets will be distributed on a first come, first served basis on Saturday, March 6 at 3:30 PM in the Hospitality Room of the Kuch Recreation and Athletic Center at Arcadia University.

So if you want to go, you need to go get your ticket at the University TODAY.

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"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

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  1. just kiddin says:

    Someone please ask him to IDENTIFY those democrats HE and HIS staff claim on not on board. There is a game being played here and unfortunately its on us. The cat and mouse, whose got what votes, whose against is pure theatre. Ask him why HE has refused to support the public option?

    Do any of you notice for almost a year our news rooms are filled with “health care”? What about other major issues, like Iraq’s elections, bombings, Shia refusing to permit Sunnis to run for office. There is a civil war about to develop there! Afganistan, a real mess.

    Americans simply prove to the world we cant walk and chew gum at the same time. The horrible media acting in their corporate interests feeding us ridiculous stories while covering up the real news. Why are we only able to concentrate on ONE issue at a time. As far as I’m concerned, fed up with health care fed up with lameass democrats, fed up with corporate whores working against the citizens. If these corporate democrats cant deliver health care a pittance in their overall budget, why should we support any of them in future?