Delaware Liberal

Karl Rove Got Beat Up by a Little Girl

It explains everything actually:

According to his new memoir, a 9-year-old Rove affixed a Nixon sticker to his bicycle, prompting a leftist girl child to give him a bloody nose. We must find this girl and make her into a folk hero. The fable of Rove’s beat down at the hands of a little girl also appeared in a 2002 article in Utah’s Deseret News, where we learn that tyke was Catholic and “put me down on the pavement and whaled on me and gave me a bloody nose. I lost my first political battle.” The year was 1960, when Rove would have lived in Sparks, Nevada.

I am torn between turning this little girl into a folk hero, as Gawker suggests, or shaming her as responsible for instilling in Rove such epic insecurity that he literally spent the rest of his life making up for it with false machismo and transforming politics into nothing more than a street fight between children. Perhaps if Rove was shown forbearance by that little girl in 1960, the disastrous presidency of George W. Bush would have never happened.

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