GOP Grooming Obsession

Filed in National by on March 9, 2010

The Crist-Rubio Senate primary race down in Florida is beginning to be a blowout for Marco Rubio. There’s been all kinds of rumors that Crist would switch parties or become independent, which he denies. There’s a brewing scandal on some expenses that Rubio charged to a state party credit card, including $130 at a hair salon (Republicans have a haircut price obsession). Crist is implying that the price is for more than just a haircut:

Appearing on Greta Van Susteren’s show on Fox News last night, Crist (R-FL) attacked Rubio over the recent dust-up over his Republican Party of Florida credit card charges, including for a $130 haircut.

“Or maybe it was a back wax — we are not sure what all he got at that place,” Crist said. Van Susteren seemed surprised by the allegation, asking, “[W]as there a suggestion it was for a back wax or are you being flip?”

Crist – sort of – backed down: “I don’t know what it was. Initially we were told it was a haircut. And then he said it wasn’t a haircut.”

Oh yes, he went there. Charlie Crist accused Marco Rubio of getting his back waxed. Oh, by the way, Charlie Crist says he pays $11 for his haircuts.

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Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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  1. Horrible poll numbers for Crist today:

    The top-line numbers: Rubio 60%, Crist 28%. Crist’s approval rating among Republican primary voters is only 29%, with 56% disapproval. Among voters overall, in numbers provided to TPMDC by Public Policy Polling, the once-popular governor’s approval rating is only 35%-51%. His best group is Democratic voters, who give him a 45%-41% edge, while Republicans are worst of all at 28%-58% (Note: Republican voters do not overlap completely with GOP primary voters, thus the numbers don’t exactly match), and independents are at 28%-58%. In the TPM Poll Average, Rubio leads Crist by 54.9%-30.0%.

  2. skippertee says:

    It didn’t help that Crist was one of the prominent politicians”outed”on a recent documentary.Crist seems like a decent guy,for a republican.I don’t need to know about his sexual orientation.