Please Welcome Scott P to Delaware Liberal

Filed in National by on March 11, 2010

Many of our regular readers will recognize Scott P as a thoughtful, intelligent and regular commenter here. He also has his own fantastic blog, The Palmer Lyceum. If you have been reading the Lyceum this week, you may have been in on a secret: Scott P is the newest contributor to Delaware Liberal.

Scott in his own words:

The Lyceum was a center of learning and athletics in ancient Athens, associated with Aristotle. The Lyceum Movement of the 19th Century was concerned with the dissemination of information on the arts, sciences, history, and public affairs through lectures and public discussion. […] I am a Progressive, a sports fan, and a married father of one. [At this Lyceum,] I am looking to air my views, educate, and maybe spark a discussion or two.

We always look to bring new and interesting voices into the fold here, and we are very pleased to welcome Scott P. But he better be a Phillies fan or the deal is off. 😉

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  1. cassandra m says:

    Welcome Scott P!

    We’re so glad to have you and your very intellegent voice here.

    It means we can now think about banning DD — **ducking**…..

  2. Welcome Scott! Wait until the hazing begins. You can start by reading every message in the spam filter. 🙂

  3. pandora says:

    Welcome aboard, Scott!

  4. Joanne Christian says:

    Am I gonna like him?

  5. Delaware Dem says:

    Yes, JC. He is a reasoned intelligent liberal, not a flame thrower like me. 😉

  6. Joanne Christian says:

    How gracious of you DD–you can turn down “Man in the Mirror”, and quit dancing now:). Thanks for the intro., and the addition.

    Scott P.-I used to live on Lyceum Ave. –why we have a connection already:)!!!! WELCOME, WELCOME,WELCOME!!!! Can I get you a TAB?

  7. Scott P says:

    Thanks everyone for the welcome. I’ll do my best to live up (or down, depending on your point of view) to the standards set at this site. All I ask is to be left out of the tickle fights at the DL Holiday party.

    And thanks, JC, but I prefer to pay as I go.

  8. The following things will be prominent features of the next Drinking Liberally: tickle fights and Massa massages.

  9. John Young says:

    Welcome and here’s to some vibrant Edu-political discourse!

  10. PBaumbach says:

    Welcome, Scott, and thanks to ALL DL contributors for the work that they do.

  11. Desmond says:

    “He is a reasoned intelligent liberal”

    There are many, many reasoned intelligent liberals. Unfortunately, if this statement is true about Scott P, he marks the first of his kind to contribute to this bottom-feeding blog.

    However, based on the narrow-minded, hypocritical nature of the other contributors on this blog, I really don’t believe that Scott can be “reasoned” and “intelligent”.

    I don’t think the bullish dictator of this blog, Delaware Fem, would allow it. You all line up (like sheep) and do as he says if fear of his wrath. (Look what happened to Jason and Donviti) If you are “too reasoned” and go against what Delaware Fem thinks, you too will be banned. So mind yourself, Scott or Delaware Fem will have to teach you some manners.

    Man, now that I think about it, you’d swear this guy started this blog and his been here since day one.

    Good luck, Scott…especially with all of the delicate little egos around here!

  12. Delaware Dem says:

    Delaware Fem. That is a new one. Much better than the Hube inspired Delaware Dumbass or Delaware Dipshit. And even though you are insulting my manhood on the one hand you have made me a “bullish dictator of this blog,” which of course will only enlarge my ego.

    And all my colleagues must be hysterically laughing at your comment right now. They are the ones that beat ME up. (Unstable Isotope’s reign of terror must end!!! Help us!!!!!)

  13. Scott P says:

    Gee, thanks for the, uh, well wishes? And thanks for caring enough about the site to take the time to comment. I think I’ll do just fine, and I promise not to let anyone “muss my hair”, no matter how sheepish I might feel. 😉

  14. I thought Cassandra ran the blog? Congrats Del Dem on your elevation to dictator. You can expect a visit from a horse head tonight for exposing my reign of terror.

  15. Don’t worry Scott, we’ll only tickle you until you can’t breathe but we promise not to ruffle your hair afterwards.

  16. pandora says:

    I am quite comfortable in my role of consigliere.

  17. cassandra m says:

    I thought Cassandra ran the blog?

    And don’t you forget it!

    But it looks like Desmond here is looking to join Nancy Willing in the Conspiracy Theory Olympics.

  18. liberalgeek says:

    I do love the idea that we are all in sync with each others views. It truly makes me laugh, and especially that we are all supposed to agree with DD.

    But to DD’s point… help us…

  19. Delaware Dem says:

    No, no, no! I don’t care if you agree with me. Just follow my commands.


    Delaware Dictator.

  20. Brooke says:

    Yo, Scott. *waves*