Delaware Liberal

Please Welcome Scott P to Delaware Liberal

Many of our regular readers will recognize Scott P as a thoughtful, intelligent and regular commenter here. He also has his own fantastic blog, The Palmer Lyceum. If you have been reading the Lyceum this week, you may have been in on a secret: Scott P is the newest contributor to Delaware Liberal.

Scott in his own words:

The Lyceum was a center of learning and athletics in ancient Athens, associated with Aristotle. The Lyceum Movement of the 19th Century was concerned with the dissemination of information on the arts, sciences, history, and public affairs through lectures and public discussion. […] I am a Progressive, a sports fan, and a married father of one. [At this Lyceum,] I am looking to air my views, educate, and maybe spark a discussion or two.

We always look to bring new and interesting voices into the fold here, and we are very pleased to welcome Scott P. But he better be a Phillies fan or the deal is off. 😉

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