Chip Flowers’ Bold Plan
I have talked to Chip Flowers several times in the past at various political events. He and I have made small talk, or discussed small-time political analysis. After just a few minutes with him it is easy to see that he is a pretty nice guy. However, if you spend another hour with him, a new Chip Flowers emerges. This Chip Flowers is a guy with a deep understanding of how government works and can influence economic development. This Chip Flowers is a wonk that knows his stuff inside and out.
He wants to make changes. Last week, he released his bold plan called “The Flowers Framework for Restoring Prosperity“. At first blush, it appears to be a big government plan to add an army of financial warriors to the states payroll. It isn’t. The plan is a realignment of financial services already employed by the state, but spread out and operating independently and sometimes at odds with each other. Chip has confirmed to me that there are no net new hires in his plan.
Chip starts his long-form presentation with a discussion of the Treasurer’s sparse budget and description of services performed. The services performed are meager. Of the four responsibilities listed on the Treasurer’s website, one of them is office management. Seriously.
But Chip thinks that, like the US Treasury or the Treasurers of nearby states, the Treasurer can do more. The Treasurer can server as head of a financial center of excellence, providing financial advice and services to the many departments of the state. Will an investment in a public-private venture have long-term benefits to the state of Delaware or will the company seek funding from Virginia next year and switch states? Does a huge road project by DelDOT for a specific employer need make long-term financial sense? There may be people in DEDO or DelDOT that answer these questions now, but generally only to issues within their purview. The role of the Treasurer can be more of a holistic approach to economic decisions and policies.
There are certainly some hurdles that will need to be addressed, mostly on the legislative front, to make this plan a reality. That said, Chip believes that some of the potential savings that can come from this coordinated effort will help sway the legislative process and put Delaware’s treasurer more in line with the office of Treasurer in other states.
I love when I see lg with kool-aid on his breath.
Resisting . . . . joke
Great posting on Chip Flowers. I haven’t read his plan yet, but he continues to impress me. On a separate note, I read in paper that Jones-Potter joined with TD Bank to give $10 to kids to deposit in a TD Bank account (for “financial literacy”). What does the state get out it? Can anyone verify? Before I trash supporting a bank’s program that creates new customers for the bank with the state’s blessing and use of the state seal, I want to have my facts straight. Unreal – only in Delaware could a treasurer actually endorse a bank’s program to hook our kids on using their product and get on the front page wearing the colors of the bank!! I’m calling Hollywood…Tom Hanks has to want that script…
I love the link to the Treasurer’s website showing Office Administration as a job function – too funny! I guess my kids school should put “bell ringing, ordering chalk and playing kick ball” as part of its description! A new low! Flowers certainly can’t do worse if he just used the delete button on the website!
Do you think that Jones-Potter could allow me to borrow the state seal for the girl scout cookie campaign – its financial literacy – managing the money, selling the cookies, ordering the cookies and supporting a great cause (even a little office administration is involved). If she wants, we can even deposit the money with TD! Oh, I forgot, that would be real financial literacy!
jokes aside, I just clicked to Chip Flowers plan and it seems very bold. Not sure if he can get everything passed through the Gov and the legislature, but it seems better than what we have now (I am concerned that if we elect him that TD stock will go down if the kids start withdrawing their $10)! Good idea – short TD Bank stock if you think Flowers will win! Easy money! lol
By the way, it makes me think after skimming Chip’s plan, what the heck was Markell doing when he was Treas….(other than annoying Minner) things that make you go “hmmm”…
What sickening assholes you are! Chris Flowers doesnt know whether he wants the Treasurers position, or Economic Development or just a Job to use a stepping stone to the Governors mansion. Pleasssse! Potter is teaching children how to save money, how to budget money. Only a cynical fool could turn that into something bad. Where has Chris Flowers been on these years, while Potter was out in the community volunteering her time! Why did the dupont Company lend her to the City of Wilmington to straighten our their financial mess? She is doing a great job as Treasurer is well respected and supported by the Governor who appointed to his previous position. Flowers was missing in action for years. Runs for office every once in awhile and never gets enough votes to be taken seriously. Velda is loved and she will no problem becoming elected.
I’m a Democrat, voted for Markell and Obama, but my vote is going to Bonini for treasurer.
Flowers seems like a candidate in search of an office. Velda Jones-Potter seems like a party hack, and frankly, I don’t trust her husband.
I know I can count on Bonini to do two things: (1) provide a check to the ruling party in a way Tom Wagner will never do and (2) raise hell over stupid spending.
“Just kiddin”, who is “Chris Flowers”? Maybe you are thinking of the wrong person. This is CHIP Flowers’ first run for office. With respect to Jones-Potter, you have to admit that allowing TD Bank to use the state seal to support their program was rather awkward. Plus, allowing kids to deposit money to set up a TD Bank account isn’t financial literacy, its marketing. Its like giving a kid a credit card and telling them that I’m teaching you responsibility. I just googled the TD program and it appears that only the state of Delaware is supporting the program. It seems like an ethical issue to me. Finally, with all the problems with our state, I’m not sure if that is a good use of the Treasurer’s time. Sorry, its just how I feel.
Velda Jones-Potter seems like a party hack
A huge percentage of the silliest posts have been by people named anon. VJP is no more a “party hack” than Dennis Sullivan, Anne Canby, Pierre Olney, Josh Martin, Alan Levin or a host of other accomplished and basically apolitical professionals who happen to receive a gubernatorial appointment.
Anon – are you seriously voting for Bonini who doesn’t even have a degree in finance to manage our 3 billion? God help us all.
John M is right – I’m no Jones-Potter fan, but it is wrong to call anyone a party hack or say, for that matter, a candidate is searching for an office (duh!)
John, it’s funny that anytime there is a Flowers/Jones-Potter post the negative comments really come out in full force. Interesting.
I’m not really a comment person, but I visit this site often and this is my first comment so here goes. First, DL is a great resource for those of us interested in politics. Second, for voters like me, I prefer campaigns that are clean. Finally, I just read Chip’s plan and I thought it was well written. I was inspired by the language and ideas. I wish more people would read it before posting a comment. This blog was about his plan, not whether you like Chip or Velda. If Velda has a plan, I will read it as well. I think Flowers has some good ideas that should be discussed. Let’s start talking about the plan, not the negative about Potter or Flowers.
Welcome veryhelpful. As someone who has no favorite in this particular race, I too will be paying close attention to this campaign, and I really don’t care for the mudslinging by either candidate’s partisans in this thread or in future threads, but that comes with the territory.
I hope you come back often as we will be interviewing both Chip and Velda as the campaign truly gets underway.
Chip Flowers’ Framework shows he understands Delaware’s needs and that he understands how government should work. The treasurer’s prime responsibility should be making sure Delaware’s money is managed wisely, not telling fourth-graders where to put their $10 in savings, not consolidating school districts or urging early retirement for state employees. If this race is going to be determined by the power of ideas, the Republican and the incumbent had better come up with some soon.
The bigger point that DL’s minds should explore is why we need a treasurer in the first place when we have a department of finance. Oh … wait … wasn’t Markell going to do something about that? That’s right … Nancy Cook had a better idea.
We either need one or the other. Not both. And not an elected position unless the treasurer has a real watchdog attitude. It hasn’t been like that under anyone in recent years – Rznewicki, Markell or Jones-Potter.
Wow – The “12 people” on Chip’s payroll sure do know how to visit a website and comment. This is disgusting. Has anyone taken the time to ask Governor Markell who he is supporting? How about any other elected
I was at the Kent County Executive Committee Meeting last week and heard both Beau Biden and Velda speak, and you know what Beau had to say? He said “anyone who listens to Velda knows she’s the person we need to get behind in the Treasurer’s race!” And people lined up to ask her how they could help.
I’d get behind Chip and support him if I knew what he wanted to be. The problem is that he simply wants to be elected to something. State Senate (he was going to primary Sen. Ennis when Jim Vaughn died), US Congressman (he was hoping John Carney would run for Senate) and now Treasurer because he thought maybe Velda wouldn’t run. What a joke!
This guy does nothing but talk… Meanwhile, Velda is actually working for the people of Delaware as their Treasurer! And we, as Democrats, get to bicker and fight, while that idiot, do-nothing Bonini gets a free ride to the general election.
Disgraceful. Absolutely disgraceful.
Yeah, an endorsement by Beau is going to get me to vote for Velda. Woo-hoo. Yippie. Ride ’em, cowboy. Sensing the excitement yet?
Velda Jones-Potter spoke to 38 th RD this week and gave great presentation .Ive heard good things about Mr. Flowers also. I look forward to reading his plan and hearing him speak . This is another case of our party having two good candidates for same office .Something we should rejoice in .This is our strenght not our weakness.
I just want to hear what both candidates say and then decide who I want to support. I’m just getting the feeling that this could turn into some ugly, nasty race which would hand the job to Bonini.
This is just ridiculous. The insults are just wrong. Can we please talk about his plan? I could care less about what another politician allegedly says about another. Both are extremely qualified and seem well grounded. Dos Ms. Potter have a plan? If not, maybe her supporters can stop the insults and help her write one. Currently, voters will compare The Flowers Framework to the four descriptions on her website, including office administration. From a neutral person, there does not seem to be enough about her ideas to compare. By the lack of discussion about his plan, I’m starting to think that he has silenced and stunned his critics who now want to use negative campaign tactics. Have Ms. Potter write her plan and let’s keep it clean.
I’ve heard both candidates speak (at the 23rd RD). I first heard Flowers, and thought ‘hey, this is a good candidate.’ A month later I heard VJP and though ‘hey, this is a good candidate.’ I think that both bring appropriate credentials, and hope that the primary is positive and clean.
I am disappointed that Beau came out supporting VJP without explaining the reasons, however you can view it as he has known Velda, has only positive experiences with her, and thus happily supports her (without putting Flowers down in the least). No problem (in my book) there.
On the TD Bank thing, it is somewhat related to the partnerships that began under Treasurer Jack Markell, with the Money School and the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) program. The latter program included the ability for clients to open accounts at a local (partnered) commercial bank. While you can fault this easily, not that for many clients, this is the first opportunity for them to use a financial entity other than a ‘payroll loan’ business, which are ripoffs.
As state Treasurer, Jack, and others, pioneered the Delaware Money School, and it being the only one in the region is NO reason to put it down. If a review notes that youth pay more attention to financial education when they have some dollars in the mix (and actually learn how to balance a checkbook by the time they graduate high school), then I have no problem with the Delaware State Treasurer giving TD Bank a photo op in return for helping with this program.
Sorry for rambling…
This website doesn’t look like it has been updated for awhile, but this is the Bank at School program as it looked when Jack Markell was Treasurer. Plenty of local banks were participating at one time (no idea if this is still active), so it isn’t as if the TD Bank thing is a new idea. And this bank in a school program exists in plenty of other places besides Delaware.
I’m not endorsing anybody, but if the TD bank thing is the major VJP criticism that seems decent evidence that there are two strong candidates here.
I just checked with my sources close to Beau, they told me that Beau is not endorsing anyone in the race. He just gave a kind statement to Velda before his speech and it should not be interpreted any differently (Chip was giving a speech at another place at the time, so Beau probably won’t have said anything if Chip was there). Not surprised that the Potter people would claim it as an endorsement (Potter’s website has Markell, who has not endorsed Velda and I’m sure they will try to add Beau). I don’t expect any elected official to get involved in this race – it will be close and they each have nothing to gain. Just setting the record straight.
Ok. Since the discussion has shifted from Chip’s plan to the TD Bank program, I have a few questions. First, were other banks allowed to bid for the project (since it was endorsed by the state, all lenders should have been allowed to bid) Second, why do the kids have to deposit money with td bank to learn financial literacy? Third, why should the Treasurer’s office do this program? It might be a good program, but it seems odd with all the work needed in our bad economy. Why not let a non-profit run this program with TD bank? Finally, where is this listed under the Treasurer’s website – is it the responsibility of the Treasurer to do financial literacy. I only see economic and business issues in Chip’s plan. If someone can truthfully answers these questions without insulting a candidate, the discussion could progress. I recognize Jack might have started some of these programs but 2010 is different than 2007. We need jobs and a good plan for our future. Sorry for all the questions!
Should anyone care for a nap, here are the duties of the Treasurer.
Thanks, anon, that info is very useful.
This is an interesting post. Thanks to Geek for giving the Flower’s plan a platform. A strong, proactive role for this otherwise housekeeping department is a fresh direction with precedent in other state offices.
Glad to see that just kiddin kept her ranting to a single post. She is a close friend of the Potters and occasionally gets exposure on Charles Potters teevee show. She has had plenty of political ambition of her own in past years in attempted runs for the General Assembly –with Mr. Potter’s help, financial and otherwise.
If this message board is an accurate indication of Delaware voters’ feelings, the Flowers-Potter race will probably be the most interesting one this election season.
I have read the Flowers Framework and I found it full of fresh ideas and changes for the Treasurer’s Office. More important, I found that Mr. Flowers offered a restructuring of the office that is not only plausible and feasible, but necessary for the advancement and usefulness of the Treasurer’s Office in the future. At this point (and like everyone else), I am still waiting to hear/see Ms. Potter’s vision beyond office management and teaching children financial literacy by depositing money with TD Bank. Frankly, I am quite disappointed in the “appointed incumbent” and expected to hear a more substantive platform than what she has provided, save a few accolades from Gov. Markell and Beau Biden. I guess what I am saying is, if the race were tomorrow, she wouldn’t get my vote. She has to do more than smile pretty and wear matching TD Bank green for the cameras.
By the way, can someone please tell me who “Chris Flowers” is and who the “12 people” are that he has posting on this message board on his behalf? People, please provide substantive comments so we can have a reasonable conversation. The number of political races Mr. Flowers allegedly entered is not my concern. I want to discuss the issues, the visions and WHY a particular candidate should get my vote.