Delaware Liberal

The New Adventures of Old Christine

This is probably the first, and last, time I credit Charlie Copeland’s blog, Resolute Determination, with a find, but this is just too hilarious not to pass on:

This is what you will find when you google the name “Christine O’Donnell.” The first result is a link to her 2008 campaign website. And when you click on that link, you find that Christine failed to renew her domain registration from her last campaign, and as such the site has been taken over by a personal injury lawyer from New York who is apparently not a fan.

Perhaps it is her sad, confused, even anguished face in that picture above, coupled with the fact that Christine has been living off what little campaign contributions she receives in her perennial runs instead of paying vendors and staff (which has returned to ruin the launch of her 2010 bid); but I am starting to feel sorry for her. But then I remember what horrible things she stands for and I quickly realize she is getting precisely what she deserves.

Perhaps the denizens of Resolute Determination can inform Charlie Copeland that on Christine’s new 2010 campaign site, which is masterfully titled “,” (yeah, I know, it is not 2008 anymore, and I especially love the “reimaginehosting” touch), there appears the following picture, which certainly conveys an endorsement in my mind?

If Charlie Copeland does not intend to endorse Christine O’Donnell, I suspect a cease and desist letter is in order.

Why is Christine O’Donnell running for Senate?

The quick answer to that question is that there is a rabidly social conservative faction within the Delaware GOP that wants their voices heard in elections. That is fine, but why is Christine that faction’s representative or leader? She has so obviously failed at it and she has defrauded her backers by using their contributions for her own living expenses instead of campaign expenses. She has no experience in government. She has no experience in, really, anything of substance, and no, being a Fox talking head is not something of substance. So why is she the candidate of this faction? Anyone, and I mean, anyone with the same opinions is as experienced and as capable as Christine O’Donnell in running a campaign. David Anderson, for one.

And then we look at the personal cost of running. Christine O’Donnell obviously cannot afford this undertaking. She couldn’t afford it in 2008 and she can’t afford it now.

The only thing that explains her inexplicable determination to constantly run for the Senate is narcissism.

Give it up, Christine.

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