Mr. Reagan, We’re Ready for Our Close-Up

Filed in National by on March 13, 2010

With Fox Noise snapping up Republican leaders to the soft chairs of punditry, will there be anyone left to run against Obama in 2012? Mike Huckabee recently said that his is quite content on being on television.

“It’s kind of given me a new perspective of the power of the media more so than the power of good policy. Running for president did not necessarily cause people to say ‘Oh, I know who you are.’ But being on Fox News has. It’s really embarrassing when you’re running for president of the United States and nobody seems to have any clue.”

Another 2012 Presidential hopeful Sarah Palin is continuing on the celebrity train with an appearance on Jay Leno and even working on creating a TV series, while Newt Gringrich — who is awaiting God to tell him what to do — has created an industry of . . . well . . . being Newt Gingrich. Criticizing from the Roger Ailes lap is easy, but real governing is hard. As we’ve seen time after time, Republicans distaste of government makes them totally ineffectual at governing.  Though the spotlight might bring a glitter and adulation to these GOP celebrities, it can also wilt any real or imagined political power they may have.

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A Dad, a husband and a data guru

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  1. Delaware Dem says:

    Palin will run no matter what. She is a narcissist. I foresee a 2012 GOP field with Pawlenty, Romney, Palin, Gingrich, Barbour, and Thune, with it coming down to Palin v. Romney.

  2. I think Thune is the dark horse right now. Who is going to be the batsh#t conservative. What about Allen or Santorum?

  3. Delaware Dem says:

    I view Santorum as the alternative to Palin is Palin falters or does not run. If Palin is in, Santorum is out.

    Maccaca Allen? LOL. Not gonna happen.

  4. cassandra_m says:

    How anybody can argue that Fox Noise isn’t the PR arm of the RNC really is beyond me. And here we have people taking to the next level the thing that Alan Keyes and Gary Bauer have been doing for years — running for office as a way to extend their commentator/pundit credentials and audiences. Except now these people are on TV to burnish their celebrity credentials because apparently being a celebrity is going to be an easier path to office than actually having any policy or governing expertise.

    I’d also throw Tancredo in for the batsh#t conservative pool. Fear of a Brown Planet may be a productive theme for these people in 2012.