The Hillary Clinton Vibe

Filed in National by on March 14, 2010

The Castle campaign is starting to take on what I call the Hillary Clinton Vibe. The vibe happens when a campaign that is pursuing an “inevitable” strategy starts believing it is really inevitable, and that leads to sloppy work. This video is evidence of that:

Now that’s enthusiasm!!!

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  1. anon says:

    “He has the experience that can lead Delaware into the next, uh, several years.”

    Nice Freudian slip there!

  2. “Mike Castle is the only choice to lead Delaware. He can lead us into the next few years.”


    Wow, they found 3 whole people under the age of 40!

  3. Delaware Dem says:

    I dunno, the first woman is probably in her 40s.

  4. cassandra_m says:

    Complete with cheesy 70’s music too!

    Love the “he’s a trial lawyer” lawyer thing. I thought that trial lawyers are supposed to be UNCLEAN among these repubs.

    And what is it with this “lead Delaware” thing? The guy is running for Senate — not Governor of the state. And interesting that not one of them could cite a real, recent “leadership” accomplishment…

  5. PBaumbach says:

    Dan Poselli, the guy, is the chair of the UD’s College Republicans. Dan couldn’t get any of the talking points out without smiling, like he knew he was pulling one over on the viewer. It reminds me of W, who couldn’t hold a press conference without looking like he knew he was full of it.

  6. anon says:

    Why do these supporters not really have anything of substance to say? The campaign manager should pull the plug on this….

  7. That is an interesting take on it. It does feel like there is a lack of message. It is my turn doesn’t inspire the public. It is still early, he may be able to get some fire in belly. Then again the Democrats are doing such a good job at dispiriting their base and enraging the opposition that it may not matter in November.

  8. delawarepatriot says:

    Do you guys ban Copeland and Protack? I would love to hear those guys defend Castle, if they can.

    I know Protack likes Carney from 2008. Is he going for Rollins?

    Let’s hear the GOP voices for a change.

  9. Both of those guys have their own blogs.

  10. bamboozer says:

    I did not watch the video (weak stomach ) but Castle will run his usual “Delaware!, Delaware!” campaign that avoids issues and statements as unto the plague. Sort of a political “No trips, no slips. no falls” strategy.

  11. Jason330 says:

    McCain just said that the Republican Senators will be in full shutdown mode now until Obama leaves or is killed (paraphrase). Someone. …(coons)…should ask Mike Castle if he plans on taking part in his good friend’s pity party if elected to the Senate.

  12. Geezer says:

    “McCain just said that the Republican Senators will be in full shutdown mode now…”

    What an old joke. The old punchline is, “How will we tell?”

  13. Geezer says:

    “Then again the Democrats are doing such a good job at dispiriting their base and enraging the opposition that it may not matter in November.”

    Since you are a conservative, and hence distrustful of anything that doesn’t come with the Conservative Principles Seal of Approval, take this with a grain of salt: Keep turning this into an “us or them” situation. You’ll be surprised at how much your triumphalism will motivate Obama voters back to the polls in November.