Tuesday Open Thread

Filed in National by on March 16, 2010

Welcome to Tuesday. I think we must have survived the Breitbartocalypse. I don’t feel any different. It’s definitely feeling like spring around here. My crocuses have bloomed and my daffodils will bloom any day now. I find it kind of amazing how spring this year was almost like a light switch. We were in winter and then suddenly it’s spring. Let’s get this open thread started.

Health care reform is moving forward. The bill has passed the through the first committee.

A key House committee voted Monday to advance President Obama’s plan to overhaul the nation’s health-care system, clearing the way for the House to vote on the measure later this week.

The House Budget Committee voted 21 to 16 to send the health care legislation to the House Rules Committee. That panel is expected to meet Thursday to draft new language for the reconciliation bill, compiling a package of fixes to the $875 billion measure that passed the Senate on Christmas Eve.

Both President Obama and Speaker Pelosi have expressed confidence that the bill will pass. Expect more and higher volume of Republican whining the closer we get to the historic vote.

Nutty rightwing Virginia AG Ken Cucinelli is in the news again. This time its for a newly disclosed audio tape of Cucinelli expressing his support for the birther movement:

Now, according to audio uncovered by blogger Not Larry Sabato, Cuccinelli is floating his support for yet another fringe conservative idea: the “birther” movement. In an audio clip allegedly recorded during the transition period after his election last year, Cuccinelli is asked how he could legally challenge President Obama’s citizenship. Cuccinelli lays out the legal framework, then adds that such a suit could occur because the “speculation” that Obama is from Kenya “doesn’t seem beyond the realm of possibility”:

Q: What can we do about Obama and the birth certificate thing? Because that’s–

CUCCINELLI: It will get tested in my view when someone, when he signs a law, and someone is convicted of violating it and one of their defenses will be it is not a law because someone qualified to be President didn’t sign it.

Q: Is that something you can do as Attorney General? Can you do that or something?

CUCCINELLI: Well only if there is a conflict where we are suing the federal government for a law they’ve passed. So it’s possible. […] Well, that’s a good question. Not one I’ve thought a lot about because it hasn’t been part of my campaign. Someone is going to have to come forward with nailed down testimony that he was born in place B, wherever that is. You know, the speculation is Kenya. And that doesn’t seem beyond the realm of possibility.

I can tell, this guy is going to be in the news a lot in the next four years. Hopefully he can’t do too much damage to the state of Virginia in the meantime.


About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

Comments (33)

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  1. anon says:

    The title of this comment is “Today is Irony Day on DelawareLiberal” or “What Goes Around Comes Around.”

    Today I am remembering the commenters who sneered at efforts to advance the public option because: “It doesn’t have the votes… Show me the plan… Tinkerbell theory… Underpants gnomes… Clap louder…. Purists… What can Obama do, the Senate doesn’t have 60 votes?”

    Now, the public option has been stripped, and HCR is on the floor in the House, and lo and behold, it doesn’t have enough votes. So where’s the sneering, the naysaying, and the defeatist attitude?

    Nope, no sneering, that was reserved only for the public option. For this public-option free bill, instead I hear loud clapping. Tinkerbell and the Underpants Gnomes will deliver the votes, we just know it!

    And now we finally have the answer to “What can Obama do” to pass a bill that doesn’t have the votes up front. Too bad he didn’t do it when it mattered for the public option:

    WASHINGTON – Days away from a make-or-break vote on his health care overhaul, President Barack Obama is turning up the pressure as only presidents can, as Democratic leaders make a desperate scramble for votes.

    The president is wooing freshman Democrats in the Oval Office, holding at least two one-on-one sessions in the past few days that never appeared on his official schedule, according to aides to two lawmakers invited, Reps. Scott Murphy, D-N.Y., and Suzanne Kosmas, D-Fla.

    Both voted “no” when the legislation passed the House on the first go-round last year, but now they’re not ruling out siding with the president and Democratic leaders on what’s expected to be a cliffhanger vote in the House later this week.

    So when the bill passes, it will be proof the Underpants Gnomes are real.

  2. anonone says:

    Obomba lied. He is a shill for the insurance companies and big pharma, who love this bill. Read what Michael Moore had to say:

    “”Even.. You know what this bill says if they deny you coverage? Let’s say they actually just say go ahead and say deny you because of a pre-existing condition, the fine is $100 a day. Per individual you have denied. So just think about that,” says the Michigan native filmmaker. “The insurance company is going ‘So, for a year, that would 36,500 dollars, but the operation is going to cost $100,000. You know what? I think we’ll take the fine.’

    More Moore here…


    Obomba lied while Real HCR died. WMD 2002 = HCR 2010. Kill the bill.

  3. Scott P says:

    A1, that would be a great argument, except for the fact that your basic premise is wrong. Insurance companies DON’T love this bill. That’s why they’re doing a last-minute, multi-million dollar ad campaign to fight it. Sucks when facts don’t go the way you want them to, huh?

  4. Jason Z says:

    “That panel is expected to meet Thursday to draft new language for the reconciliation bill…”

    It still doesn’t exist. This is looking bad for lefties and far-lefties alike.

    But if is does pass, I can’t wait for our premiums to drop by 3000 PERCENT. Awesome, Mr. President! http://hotair.com/archives/2010/03/16/obamateurism-of-the-day-230/

  5. Jason Z says:

    What was that about weather and climate being different? I forget, climate change=weird weather, right? Or is it the other way?

    Al Gore sayeth: “Just look at what has been happening for the last three days,” Gore said. “The so-called skeptics haven’t noted it because it’s not snow. But the downpours and heavy winds are consistent with what the scientists have long warned about.”

    So snow doesn’t mean AGW isn’t happening, but rain is consistent with AGW. Oh yeah, and droughts. Hrmmm…

  6. Scott P says:

    Actually, Jason, the snow storms AND the rainstorms are both consistent with global warming. Warmer temps mean more moisture in the air, which means more precipitation. But no, just because it’s raining (or snowing) that alone does not prove global climate change. Decades of research does that.

  7. anonone says:

    Scott P. wrote: “That’s why they’re doing a last-minute, multi-million dollar ad campaign to fight it.”

    You gotta link to prove that?


    “The drug industry, which has held off running ads until officials sign off on the final reconciliation bill, is growing more comfortable with the emerging legislation and is preparing a substantial pro-reform ad buy in 43 Democratic districts, according to a senior industry source.”


  8. Jason Z says:

    Spam apologies. I couldn’t resist how bipartisan this bill is, at least in its opposition.

    “Two Democrats voted with all 14 Republicans to reject the effort to proceed with the Democratic strategy. Rep. Chet Edwards (Texas) and Allen Boyd (Fla.) both voted against the House health care bill last fall.”

  9. Brooke says:

    I’m going to talk to UI about spring flowers. Yes, my yard is looking lovely, too. The snowdrops have spread as if they LIKED snowy winters.

  10. Jason Z says:

    UDEL’s precipitation records don’t show any trends for DE. http://www.udel.edu/leathers/dedata.html

    Anyways, please direct your wise explanations to Al Gore’s comments. If a skeptic said, “look at how wonderful this last weekend was, we shouldn’t do anything to mess with the climate, it’s working out great,” you’d call him a fool (well, I might use a nicer word and smile, but I’d agree with you). Now, the King of the Klimate says something like that – correction – says EXACTLY that in reverse, and we’re okay with it?

    Call me a dummy, but if we have more moisture in the air, why are we suffering droughts? The truth is that the climate is too complex for the hubris of man to penetrate.

  11. Geezer says:

    “Call me a dummy…”

    OK. You’re a dummy.

  12. Scott P says:

    Here you go, A1. http://abcnews.go.com/Business/wireStory?id=10053274

    And Jason, the reason is that the moisture is not evenly spread around the world. Climate change will mean some areas will get wetter, and some will get dryer. It’s not a contradiction — it’s climate. And I’ll blow your mind even more — as global warming accelerates, some places might even get colder! Like Europe, if the the Atlantic ocean currents change.

  13. cassandra m says:

    HCR is not yet on the floor — it is passing through committees and markup and it is pretty remarkable that you think that there is something to crow about in the fact that this is not yet a done deal. I mean, that is pretty freakin’ obvious, you know? No one here claimed that it is a done deal(and a couple who do think that it is dead). There is no doubt that this is going to be a cliffhanger once they get to voting. But once again, here you are, both rewriting history here (and why are you even here if you can’t even pay attention to the arguments at hand?) as well as not even up to speed on the process. So enjoy your premature gloating. But this:

    So when the bill passes, it will be proof the Underpants Gnomes are real.

    If this does pass, it will be proof that Nancy Pelosi knows how to make her own miracles.

  14. anonone says:

    Thanks, Scott.

    While the insurance companies are not happy with the increased competition and lack of healthcare cost controls (and I agree with that), they certainly are much happier with this bill than they would be with a bill with a public option. Furthermore, pharma is thrilled with it since it closes the “donut hole” and doesn’t let the government negotiate prices.

    I hope that their campaign works, and this bill fails.

    Obomba lied while Real HCR died. WMD 2002 = HCR 2010. Kill the bill.

  15. anon says:

    If this does pass, it will be proof that Nancy Pelosi knows how to make her own miracles lead Democrats back out of the swamp Obama and Reid led us into.

    And Obama himself is showing some fight, now that the public option is removed.

  16. Joanne Christian says:

    None of this is keeping my house from celebrating St. Patrick’s Day!!! We love this holiday.

  17. just kiddin' says:

    Why isn’t this blog discussing the biggest foreign policy issue of the day. Stand with Obama, Biden, Clinton as they push back the reign of terror by the Likud Government. Right now, Israelie soldiers are shooting tear gas into the mosques with people on their knees praying. Bulldozers are hitting the Mosque to bring this centuries old building down! You here at DL have been talking about one day you will take up this issue? How about now since its all over TV, radio, blogs etc.?

  18. liberalgeek says:

    Mostly it’s for the same reason that we try not to do gun threads. It brings out the crazy. There is no reinforcement in bringing out the crazy. Thanks for reminding us why we have been slow to take up the issue.

  19. just kiddin' says:

    Would expect you to be the one to respond Mr. Geek! I’d say only cowards are in hiding! Has nothing to do with being crazy! If Alan Loudell can post on his blog, if the whole country is talking about the issue..its seems that certain of you on this blog maybe afraid of hearing the truth or at least the other side. Cowards or crazies! I am not a coward, I like hearing the truth about any and all subjects. Stand with Obama, Biden and Clinton. Stand with Petraeus also fed up with the Israelie double dealing! I call you out Geek, you are a Coward not a truthseeker or teller.

  20. just kiddin' says:

    Oh and you might be interested to know the Israelies now want to get into health care…in the US!

  21. anon says:

    French reality TV replicates the Milgram Experiment. 64 out of 80 people maxed out the voltage.

  22. Phuny says:

    is this what your excited about?

    Palestinians riot to protest synagogue reopening
    CNN ^ | March 16, 2010

    Jerusalem (CNN) — Palestinians hurled rocks and burned tires in several neighborhoods in East Jerusalem Tuesday to protest the reopening of a landmark synagogue after more than 60 years.

    Officers dispersed the crowd by firing stun grenades in one area, and village elders helped end the riots in another, said police spokesman Mickey Rosenfeld.

    At least seven people in the Mount of Olives neighborhood were wounded when police fired rubber bullets.

    In all, 91 people were wounded in the clashes, the Palestinian Red Crescent Society said.

    About 3,000 officers were deployed in the city after the militant group Hamas declared Tuesday a “Day of Rage.”

    The group was protesting the reopening of the Hurva synagogue on Monday. However, rumors swirled that right-wing groups were planning to ascend the Temple Mount, where al-Aqsa Mosque is located.

  23. anon says:


    I’ve seen this mis-spelling before. Hmmmm…

  24. liberalgeek says:

    JK – You have proved yourself crazy many times. There is no winning when you get into an argument with a lunatic. You and I may have common ground, but as long as you are standing there, I want none of it.

    I have told you before that your approach and manner is such that it makes people want to disagree with you. I know that you don’t see it that way, but that is a common issue among the lunatic fringe.

    Let me give you an example. I was going to link to Loudell’s post, because it is insightful and I think would be enlightening to our readers. I probably still will when I get a few minutes (unless one of my co-bloggers gets a chance to post it first). But the fact that you are on here demanding that we do something, make me hesitate, since it is what you want. Also his post has been defaced already by your hate-filled and almost incoherent rant in the comments.

  25. pandora says:

    Very true, LG. Perhaps JK should start their own blog.

  26. delacrat says:

    For those who care….


    “With more than 300 Palestinian children being held in Israeli prisons, human rights groups and Palestinian officials are increasingly concerned about the actions of the Israeli military.

    The Israeli group B’Tselem said that security forces had “severely violated” the rights of a number of children, aged between 12 and 15″

    How many israeli children are being held in Palestnian jails? zero

  27. just kiddin' says:

    Geek: Its very easy for you or any of your compatriots to call someone “crazy” or even “anti semitic” for bringing up the topic. No I am not crazy, I do happen to be well informed on the issue and am sure you wouldnt want some of the “uneducated” on this blog to have information that might give them pause about a belief they have that just might be wrong. And to Delacrat, no that is not what I am talking about. I am speaking about the Al Aqsa Mosque under seige by Israelies, teargassing muslims praying. As we speak the Palestinans have formed a human chain around the mosque to protect it from the bulldozers. The zionists want to tear down a centuries old mosque so they can build their “Solomons Temple”! And yes there are Palestian children being tortured as young as 6. So much for your information. The reason Obama, Biden and Clinton are furious with Israel is because the Pentagon has stepped in. Gen. Petraus has informed them in a report from January they must force Israel to make peace. The US image in the world is at an all time low, and is reeking havoc on our soldiers fighting in Iraq and Afganistan. Just last week the Likud government began flying over Lebanons soverign airspace. Every one of their neighbors is concerned! Have any of you bothered to read the UN Goldstone (who happens to be Jewish) report on Gaza? Do you care? Get some information from Press TV, and other Jewish sources on the ground who are standing with Palestinans and Christians against the Likud government. Try reading the Jewish Forward you might get some real insight on this hot topic. In fact, some are so terrified Israel is going to use nukes on Iran, they are calling for an immediate response from the US to reign Israel in. China, Brazil, Russia and other nations are not standing with the Israel or the US, “100% backing for Israel”. How can there be peace in the mideast when the one lone Superpower in the world makes an international public statement that “we are 100% behind Israel”? Really, no matter what they do? Seen any pictures of Gaza lately? How about throwing all press out of the West Bank while they bulldozed hundreds of Palestinan homes to buil homes for the right wing zealot settlers? Do you know anything about that side of the issue? Do you care? If you dont care say so but dont try to assail me with your crazy antics because I happen to care about it, am informed about. Check out JStreet (another Jewish group calling Israel out). American Jews will have to take a stand now. Are you with the President, Vice President and Secretary of State? Or are you with the Likud government. Simple isn’t.

  28. just kiddin' says:

    Hey Geek man, get a grip! I didnt demand anything! I simply asked why this blog wasnt commenting on it since most every progressive blog or forum I’ve been on today are all over it. If Del Lib doesnt want to take it up so be it, its your blog. However it is certainly telling that you would’nt post something! I still call you out as a coward.

  29. Von Cracker says:

    JZ said: “Call me a dummy, but if we have more moisture in the air, why are we suffering droughts? The truth is that the climate is too complex for the hubris of man to penetrate.”

    File this under: opening ones mouth and removing all doubt.

    I guess meteorology is a pseudoscience and chemistry is a sham!

  30. Brooke says:

    Pandora, how do you know jk doesn’t have his/her own blog?

  31. delacrat says:

    The US needs to cut off israel’s allowance.

  32. Perry says:

    I think Tom Friedman had it right when he wrote the following two days ago:

    “I am a big Joe Biden fan. The vice president is an indefatigable defender of U.S. interests abroad. So it pains me to say that on his recent trip to Israel, when Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu’s government rubbed his nose in some new housing plans for contested East Jerusalem, the vice president missed a chance to send a powerful public signal: He should have snapped his notebook shut, gotten right back on Air Force Two, flown home and left the following scribbled note behind: “Message from America to the Israeli government: Friends don’t let friends drive drunk. And right now, you’re driving drunk. You think you can embarrass your only true ally in the world, to satisfy some domestic political need, with no consequences? You have lost total contact with reality. Call us when you’re serious. We need to focus on building our country.” ….”

    His entire column is quite interesting, which you can read right here.

  33. just kiddin' says:

    Read HuffPost today and be sure to read the thousands of comments…call me crazy, glad to be among the craziest.