Industrial Park

Filed in National by on March 17, 2010

As you know, Clinton Bunting, the son of Senator George Bunting, is proposing a casino in the North Side State Park at the Indian River Inlet.

Apparently, he was on WGMD this morning “challenging” people to drive down to the inlet to see the piece of land, calling it “industrial”.

Mr. Bunting, did your father drop you on your head when you were a baby?

This is what the area looks like:

The arrow is pointing to where the casino will go. I see a marina, and water and trees and other greenery, which, as you know, are common byproducts of industry. Here is another picture showing how the Delaware Seashore Industrial Park rivals anything duPont has up in Edgemoor.

Bunting, Jr. is obviously confused by the presence of bridge construction materials and equipment, in the park right now, and perhaps he thinks that the replacement Inlet bridge has always been under construction throughout history, but I can assure him, it only feels that way. Once the construction is completed on the new bridge, the staging area, which Mr. Bunting feels is industrial, will be converted into a parking lot for the North Side beach, an additional picnic pavillion, a playground, and will feature nearly 2 miles more of paths and walkways, a promenade along the Inlet and an additional bath house.

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  1. anononthisone says:

    I’m not opposed to mroe casinos in Delaware, but not there. Such natural beauty should not, MUST not, be corrupted by too much development.

  2. Delaware Dem says:

    Neither am I, Anon. But not here.

  3. anononthisone says:

    Not to mention the first good coastal storm that comes along will wipe it out. That is not the most pleasant thing to think about, but that is often the natural consequence when we try to exploit nature for profit.

  4. missundastood says:

    We spent $20 million building bridge approaches there, they SUNK into the ground, and then we had to spend another $4 million tearing them down and hauling them away. But I’m sure a casino would be fine there

  5. MJ says:

    Clinton Bunting is going to drag his father’s re-election campaign down the toilet with this stunt. It’s asinine (or ASSinine). And I’m not sure where he got his figure of 20 million visitors each year to the area (probably out of his bum). Del Pointe in Millsboro is being proposed on land already owned by the developers – not so with Clinty-boy. He wants public park land so he can try to make a profit. I call fail!

  6. anon1 says:

    Besides, Pete Schwartzkopf hasn’t been kissing ass all this time NOT to get the security contract for Del Pointe.

  7. MJ says:

    anon1 – if you have proof of this, then show it. Otherwise, your comment is a huge FAIL! If this were the case, then Pete would recuse himself. Sen. Bunting has yet to say whether he will recuse himself from any vote on Clinty’s proposal.

  8. missundastood says:

    Bunting did say he would recuse himself from voting on it. But will he recuse himself from discussing it with his fellow legislators?

  9. MJ says:

    Thanks for the correction on Sen. Bunting. But I think we all know what goes on in Leg Hall.

  10. anon says:

    George Howard Bunting is one of the most ethical, upright men in Legislative Hall. He doesn’t deserve all the crap he’s been getting. He’s staunchly opposed gambling from the start. What makes everyone think he’s going to start lobbying for his adult son’s project behind closed doors?

  11. Delaware Dem says:

    To your last question, anon, because it is natural for parents to encourage the efforts of their children, no matter how adult those children may be. Sen. Bunting has recused himself from voting on the matter, and that is good and evidence of his ethical standards. All we are saying here is, behind close doors, we hope those standards remain upheld.

  12. anon. says:

    DD- you lost me with the first word of your second sentence. With “apparently”.

    The inlet marina IS zoned “industrial”.
    You’re writing is getting more like Ron Williams with every article. And for the record I dont support a casino at the inlet, just pointing out your lazy reporting.

  13. Delaware Dem says:

    I am not a reporter, and neither is Ron Williams by the way. He is a columnist, and I am a blogger. I will have to confirm whether or not the actual zoning of the land there labeled “industrial,” but that is entirely beside the point. Mr. Hunting portrayed the area as industrial, not the zoning. And last I checked, an marina, a park, a beach, trees, and a parking lot is not an industrial area. Indeed, it bends logic for an industrial area to be contained within the borders of a state park.

  14. anon. says:

    yea, they are also building a bridge,at least 50 private mega-beach homes, scraping lead paint off of boats, rebuilding boat motors and draining gas and oil from them. The state built cottages on the property, a coast guard station, center for the inland bays, pretroleum based huge blacktop parking lot, a huge RV campground with no septic, two of the biggest buildings for boat storage on the east coast complete with forklifts, and tens of thousands of gallons of gasoline and diesel fuel storage for commercial charter boats. Not to mention a complete staging area for outdated junk construction equipment owned by DNREC

    For you to portray this a “prestine and untouched by man, diamond in the rough” is ludicrous and shows that you’ve probably never set foot on the property.

  15. Delaware Dem says:

    Your quoted phrase was not uttered by me. You made it up. Anon, are you blind, or just ignorant. It is a fucking state park, not an industrial area. Everything you described are things found within a state park. Only Dave Burris is this obtuse.

  16. anon. says:

    Really? What other state parks have private homes built in them with a right of way? How about a junkyard, or 50,000 gallon deisel fuel tanks in the parking lots on concrete blocks? What other state parks have buildings the size of football fields for inside boat storage? Which state parks in Delaware rebuild boat motors in the parking lots?

    Like I said youre blogging is shitty and youve never set foot on the property. When it comes to the inlet, youre a idiot.

    I’m done here. It’s too easy arguing with you- yawn…ZZZZzzzzz

  17. bamboozer says:

    I’m opposed to anything from any politicians relatives, especially insanity like this. I’m also opposed to the collective delusion that more casinos equal more revenue, the “industry’ has peaked for this area and will not be coming back.

  18. missundastood says:

    anon is distorting the Inlet area, again probably. The “private homes” are on the South Side of the Inlet, not on the North Side where the casino is proposed and the land that the homes are built on is NOT state park land.

    The land that the proposed casino will be built on, however, IS state park land. See the difference?

    The North Side is home to DNREC’s maintenance area, this is where park ranger’s vehicles are serviced, as well as the boats that DNREC uses for fishing and hunting enforcement. It’s the most logical place for these functions to be located, with both bay and ocean access.

    The coast guard station is there to save lives, and it does, I can personally verify that. Locating the COAST Guard near the COAST seems reasonable, and a function that would take place on state land. Big coast guard boats and helicopters require fuel and large maintenance areas, as do large DNREC ships. Their “heavy equipment” saves lives. Locals thank them for that. They provide a vital service, a casino does NOT.

    The Center for the Inland Bays building is also on the North Side, it’s a LEEDS certified building that is energy efficient, recycles water, is surrounded by native plantings and is powered by solar panels. They monitor the water quality, pollution and environmental changes in the bay. They also teach.

    There are campgrounds. There are parking lots. Two things that are not extraordinarily unusual on state park land.

    And yes, a *gasp* bridge is being built since cars cannot travel underwater or fly. It’s the 4th attempt by the state and this time it looks like it’s going to happen. That’s why there is a large staging area on the North Side packed with heavy equipment that looks like a strip mining area.

    Before the 4th attempt at the bridge, the state hauled in 20 million dollars worth of gravel and dirt to build two bridge approaches, they SANK into the ground and 2/3rds of each approach had to be hauled away.

    Does anyone on planet earth really think Clint Bunting is smarter than the engineers who tragically failed at building the approaches?

    When the bridge is completed, the area around the new bridge on the North Side will become state park land again, with a parkng lot, walking paths, a playground, a bath house, a picnic area and a promenade along the inlet. The area will again come alive with fishing and surfing.

    Speaking of surfing, Bunting and his partners make it seem like surfers want this project, but Delaware Surfrider isn’t singing the project’s praises. Nor is the Center for the Inland Bays or DNREC.

    Bunting and his partner have completely distorted the facts about this area for their own benefit, but Clinton Bunting will get shot down because some things are too outrageous for even the Delaware Way to embrace.

    Clint, grow up, get off the state’s teet, and buy your own land to develop.

  19. missundastood says:

    And for anon’s information, I use the North Side State Park, my husband and son both surf, and I am a local.

  20. anon. says:

    Missundastood, I know the private homes are on private property (we own one), but doesnt the entrance run right through the campground? YES.

    Dont get me wrong, im not a supporter of the project and I think its ridiculous too, but DD tried to paint the picture that this piece of land had never been touched by mankind.

  21. Delaware Dem says:

    You are a liar, Anon. I never said any such thing. This is what I said:

    The arrow is pointing to where the casino will go. I see a marina, and water and trees and other greenery, which, as you know, are common byproducts of industry. Here is another picture showing how the Delaware Seashore Industrial Park rivals anything duPont has up in Edgemoor. […]

    Bunting, Jr. is obviously confused by the presence of bridge construction materials and equipment, in the park right now, and perhaps he thinks that the replacement Inlet bridge has always been under construction throughout history, but I can assure him, it only feels that way. Once the construction is completed on the new bridge, the staging area, which Mr. Bunting feels is industrial, will be converted into a parking lot for the North Side beach, an additional picnic pavillion, a playground, and will feature nearly 2 miles more of paths and walkways, a promenade along the Inlet and an additional bath house.

    Exactly where do I say the state park area is untouched by man and prestine??? Fucking liar you are. Maybe your reading comprehension would improve when you are sober.

    My issue is that this is state park land, not private land.

  22. missundastood says:

    anon, changing your tune? Yesterday the song went like this:

    “Really? What other state parks have private homes built in them with a right of way?”

    That’s clearly an attempt to distort the truth. Today you admit the private homes are NOT in the state park.

    And if the Inlet area is such a dump, as you describe it, why would you, or any of your neighbors, build multi-million dollar homes there?

    I hope your neighborhood has a good sewer system, it needs it with the amount of crap you spew.

  23. Phuny says:

    “Apparently, he was on WGMD this morning “challenging” people to drive down to the inlet to see the piece of land, calling it “industrial”. ”

    now that the DL has members statewide… why don’t you post some current picture? It would be the green thing to do, save us all from having to drive down this weekend to look for ourselves.

  24. cassandra_m says:

    Driving down to take a look at a situation yourself would be good for you, Phoney, and more work than you’ve done in a lifetime, I expect.

  25. Phuny says:

    don’t worry cassy, no one was expecting you to learn how to use a camera.

  26. cassandra m says:

    And no one was expecting you to do anything besides your phoney cut and paste, either, Phoney.

    God forbid you could educate yourself any.