Delaware Liberal

Meet our Newest Contributor, MJ!

In anticipation of the upcoming election season, and to try to balance out the Northern Delaware / New Castle County bias of Delaware Liberal, we have invited another of our wonderful and insightful commentators to join us as a contributor: MJ of the aptly titled Lower Slower Delaware.

MJ is from Sussex County and has been involved in local politics downstate for a long time. So add to that Pandora’s Sussex County exile during the summer months and my parents living in Sussex County, Delaware Liberal is now up to 1.75 contributors* from Sussex County, out of 10 total contributors. Kent Countians need to get up in arms, as they are still unrepresented.

Seriously though, MJ has been an excellent and loyal commenter here at Delaware Liberal, and we are very pleased to welcome him aboard as a contributor.

*–Counting Pandora as 1/2 and myself as 1/4. LOL.

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