Meet our Newest Contributor, MJ!

Filed in National by on March 17, 2010

In anticipation of the upcoming election season, and to try to balance out the Northern Delaware / New Castle County bias of Delaware Liberal, we have invited another of our wonderful and insightful commentators to join us as a contributor: MJ of the aptly titled Lower Slower Delaware.

MJ is from Sussex County and has been involved in local politics downstate for a long time. So add to that Pandora’s Sussex County exile during the summer months and my parents living in Sussex County, Delaware Liberal is now up to 1.75 contributors* from Sussex County, out of 10 total contributors. Kent Countians need to get up in arms, as they are still unrepresented.

Seriously though, MJ has been an excellent and loyal commenter here at Delaware Liberal, and we are very pleased to welcome him aboard as a contributor.

*–Counting Pandora as 1/2 and myself as 1/4. LOL.

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  1. MJ says:

    Thanks for asking me to join the tribe. I’m looking forward to adding to the commentary we have here on DL. While my own blog has been idle for a bit (work, vacation, writer’s block), I’ll endeavor to keep up the high standards here at DL. Either that or just kick some teabagging butt.

    Ooohhh – now I can get one of those snazzy avatars!

  2. anon1 says:

    How can you tell someone is NOT from Sussex County? They call it Lower Slower Delaware.

  3. liberalgeek says:

    Oh, I thought you could tell when they were able to spell Sussex… 🙂

  4. anon says:

    Cut them some slack, with six fingers they are lucky to be typing at all.

  5. MJ says:

    anon1 – guess we’ll have to burn all of those LSD bumper stickers that people have on their cars.

  6. Delaware Dem says:

    Yeah, I thought the natives downstate embraced the moniker.

  7. anon1 says:

    You know who has those on their cars? Douchebags from out of state.

  8. anon says:

    guess we’ll have to burn all of those LSD bumper stickers that people have on their cars.

    Just drive through lower Delaware and they will lick them off.

  9. anon1 says:

    Lower Slower Delaware doesn’t even make any sense. The saying goes: Slower Lower Delaware. Some idiots NOT from Sussex County just thought they were being SOOOO clever by switching the first 2 words so that it said LSD. OH MY GOD HOW HILARIOUS IS THAT? They didn’t even think about how they were changing the meaning of what they were saying.

    Slower Lower Delaware: Comments on the slowness of lower Delaware.

    Lower Slower Delaware: Comments on the lowness of slower Delaware.


  10. Delaware Dem says:

    Ummm….. I thought the two adjectives were interchangeable. I didn’t know they were supposed to be two separate things.

    Anon1… you must think we Northerners think about you Sussex Countians way more than we actually do. LOL.

  11. MJ says:

    My guess is that anon1 is also not a fan of Lisa Lampanelli and her brand of comedy, either.

  12. nemski says:

    anon1 maybe this well help.

  13. MJ,

    For the cool pics you pick one you like and put it in at IIRC. Am I right about this?

  14. Anyway, I forgot to say welcome MJ! It will be good to have some Sussex perspective around here. One person who is really glad you’re here is Scott, since he’s no longer the rookie anymore. Scott can tell you all about the hazing rituals.

  15. nemski says:

    Yes, u r correct UI about

  16. anon1 says:

    Here nemski, maybe this will help:

    I don’t need any help. I’m from Sussex. I know what the stickers look like, and as I said, no one who is really from Sussex would put that on their car.

    I think Lisa Lampanelli is very funny, but go ahead, make assumptions and crazy assertions; I hear that kind of logic wins school board elections…

  17. Scott P says:

    I’m not the new(est) guy anymore! Woohoo! Welcome, MJ! You can have the pledge pin when I’m done with it. And yeah, the hazing’s not too bad. They made me wear a Protack ‘stache for a week. Wasn’t bad, except I kept getting asked how many “films” I had done. No idea what they meant…

  18. Delaware Dem says:

    Anon1… it is a sticker. It is neat looking, and most likely made by someone who did not know about the distinction between LSD and SLD that seems to exist only in your head. I mean, wow. And, you know, the more you go off into conspiracy land, the more you confirm the more negative aspects of that conspiracy.

  19. MJ says:

    anon1 is hearing voices in his head. He must be a good friend of Rethuglican David.

  20. anon1 says:

    David is a religious nut. Who said I was Republican? I point out idiocy where I see it, and Lower Slower Delaware is a prime case of it.

  21. Jason Z says:

    Even though the argument is a little silly, I’d like to wade into the grammar of LSD/SLD, ’cause that’s how my OCD runs. It’s the problem with a lot of bumper stickers, they don’t use punctuation. “Lower, Slower Delaware” would mean the same as “Slower, Lower Delaware.” The comma separates two adjectives modifying the same noun.
    Without the comma, the first adjective modifies the second adjective. “Lower Slower Delaware” is a little tricky in this way. I think the most natural translation would be that of all Slower Delaware, the Lower part is being referenced. However, since I think “Lower Delaware” can be counted as a compound (or maybe even proper) noun, “Slower Lower Delaware” is fine, in a grammatical sense.
    Being borne of high Chester County breeding, I have no hound in the chase. I conclude that “Slower Lower Delaware,” is the most correct form. I also can’t stand those faux European oval stickers; do they even use them in Europe anymore?

  22. DS says:

    Back to the main topic — Congrats, MJ!

  23. Joanne Christian says:

    What? DL become part of a “Cash for Columnists” program or sumpin’?

  24. Scott P says:

    Could be, Joanne. Either that, or I keep waiting to be asked to join a softball team. (Side note: I play a kick-a$$ shortstop. Just sayin.)

  25. anon. says:

    Its ok to be jealous. Everyone of you wished you were from downstate, thats why you flock here every weekend.

    How many downstaters do you know that own vacation homes in New Castle or downtown Wilmington?

  26. MJ says:

    So, I’m still waiting for the official hazing rituals to start. Will it be similar to the stuff I took part in as a pledge for ZBT?

  27. Delaware Dem says:


    We had 10 contributors before with Jason and Donviti, and now we have 10 contributors again. But if there is a cash for contributors deal out there, Liberal Geek better not be pocketing the money!!!! 😉

  28. Delaware Dem says:

    Anon, you do realize we upstaters are not flocking to Sussex County to see you, or John Atkins, right? Your county, by accident of geology, happens to be situated next to an ocean. That is why we flock there.

    But if you don’t want our tourism dollars to bolster your economy we will be happy to go to Jersey. Avalon is actually a shorter drive for me.

    And don’t worry, if climate change deniers have their way, soon there will be ocean front vacation homes in New Castle County.

  29. anon. says:

    You driving to N.J. would suit me just fine. And take youre tourism dollars with you (the whole 30 bucks you spend on a cheap steak and a couple of beers). We made out just fine before you found OUR beaches.

  30. Delaware Dem says:

    I am a Delawarean. They are MY beaches too.

  31. anon. says:

    Youre the one that suggested you would go to N.J. didnt you? I simply stated that would be fine with me.

    One monkey doesnt stop the circus. Now take your ball and go home.

  32. For your offical hazing, does MJ stand for Marxist Joe?

  33. Delaware Dem says:

    Anon., you don’t have much of a memory, do you? You said that Delaware’s beaches were YOUR beaches.

  34. Scott P says:

    Actually, David, I think it’s Марксистско Иосифа, but Marxist Joe is close enough. …. Crap, I didn’t just out him, did I?

  35. MJ says:

    RD – it actually stands for Monterrey Jack.

  36. cassandra m says:

    Sorry to be late to the party, MJ, but welcome to DL! Hope you’ll be spilling lots of Sussex County secrets…

  37. MJ says:

    Scott – I actually had a distant cousin who went back to Russia after the 1917 Revolution and was an aide to Lenin. And then he ended up in Lubyanka Prison were he was executed under orders by Stalin only to be rehabilitated by Khrushchev.

  38. Scott P says:

    Wow, that’s pretty cool. Well, I guess except for the middle part for him. Anyway, welcome aboard, you pinko commie. And I assume the Beckites will be here any moment after doing their daily “liberal, lenin, stalin” Google searches.

  39. anon says:

    I’m a bit confused. How could he be rehabilitated after he was executed? Or is “rehabilitated” being used in the sense of, his memory was rehabilitated and he was no longer treated as a traitor to the Soviet state?

    Lenin was always the ass-kickingest of all the commies.

  40. MJ says:

    Anon – I guess it was he was no longer considered a traitor. Many of those lost to execution and the gulag during Uncle Joe’s reign of terror were rehabilitated after he died.