A Letter from Marjorie Margolies

Filed in National by on March 18, 2010

There’s an interesting letter in today’s Washington Post. The letter is from Marjorie Margolies, and it’s addressed, “Dear Wavering House Democrats”. The missive is aimed at the handful of House Dems who may be sitting around, trying to decide whether or not they should vote to pass the health care reform bill. For some (although I honestly don’t understand why), this is a difficult decision — at least on career, if not policy, terms. And Margolies, in case you don’t remember, knows a thing or two about almost exactly this kind of situation.

See, back in 1993 she was a Democratic freshman (freshwoman? That doesn’t sound right. Freshperson?) Representative from a strongly Republican district in Pennsylvania, and she ended up being the deciding vote to help pass President Clinton’s tax-raising, deficit-reducing budget. She was immediately mocked by Republicans and told she would be defeated the next year. Well, she was. Today, her open letter explained that she would do the same thing all over again, and tried to convey to those wavering Democrats why they, too, should make the difficult vote — because it’s the right thing to do.

I feel your pain. Eighteen years ago, I was elected on the coattails of a popular young Democratic president who promised a post-partisan Washington. A year later, with partisan gridlock capturing the Capitol, there was a razor-thin vote on the House floor over legislation that Democrats said would remake the country and Republicans promised would bankrupt it.

I was pressed on all sides: by constituents opposed, my president needing a victory and Republicans promising my demise. I was in the country’s most Republican district represented by a Democrat. I had repeatedly said, “I will not be a ‘read my lips’ candidate,” when asked if I would promise not to raise taxes.

I voted my conscience, and it cost me.

I still remember how, after I voted, Bob Walker jumped up and down on the House floor, yelling “Bye-bye, Marjorie!” I thought, first, that he was probably right. Then, that I would expect better behavior from my kids, much less a member of Congress. And then, that he was a remarkable jumper.

I am your worst-case scenario. And I’d do it all again.

She goes on to make the point that at this point, Democrats are going to be attacked for this bill whether they voted for it or not. Doubly so, I think, if they change a Yes vote to a No. I really hope that a few listen to her plea to look at the bigger picture, and remember why they’re there — to do good for the country. And hey, it didn’t work out too bad for her. Her son Marc is engaged to Chelsea Clinton. I’m not saying anyone should start matching their sons up with Sasha or Malia, but hey, you never know.

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About the Author ()

A lifelong Delawarean who has left-of-center views -- and he's not afraid to use them.

Comments (13)

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  1. Phuny says:

    So Marjorie is saying “don’t worry about being fired by the voters (for not representing their interest), the Party will take care of you”

    Rumor has it that Bart Gordon has been promised the top job at NASA (and an Obama space policy 180) and John Tanner has been promised Ambassador to NATO…

    Sen Coburn has been sufficiently offended by the bribery and vote buying to publicly announce he will block their nominations in the senate.

  2. Scott P says:

    No, what she’s saying is “Do the right thing. Your job isn’t to get re-elected, it’s to serve and improve the country. Have the courage to vote for what you know is best, even if the majority of voters in your district, at the moment, don’t agree. Years from now, when this program is successful and beloved, you’ll be happy you did.”

  3. timefortruth says:

    Is that Senator Coburn, who covered up Senator Ensign’s own “Hiking on the Sierra Trail” ,or whatever, because of Doctor/Patient priviledge? Or was it a different Senator Coburn who is not a gynecologist to male senator’s? Just trying to measure the degree of what motivates outrage for this man of such honor and character.

  4. Phuny says:

    looks like we can add to the dem lexicon of vote buying

    Luisiana Purchase
    Cornhusker Kickback
    Gator Aid

    and now

    Bismark Bribe (which also explains why student loans were added to obamacare)

  5. Truth Teller says:

    Ok folks try this site and see who is giving the money and getting the Senator’s and congressman to vote against our interest


  6. just kiddin' says:

    Tom Carper the ultimate corporate slug. Why isnt the Delaware Democratic Party searching for a replacement for the corporate pig? Why do the unions remain silent while this right wing corporate whore sold out the citizens of Delaware? Am sure Carper believes that by the time his election rolls around again, the average voter with an IQ under 100 will forget all he has done to screw Delaware.

  7. Phuny says:

    Democrat Congressman Tom Perriello admits: “If you don’t tie our hands, we will keep stealing.”

  8. We need a good bill not any bill. This bill will raid Medicare and Social security, tax existing benefits, tax medical equipment for the disabled, and slash medicaid for the poor. It will hire 16K irs agents to make sure you buy health insurance. Oddly enough it will also nationalize student loans.

    While the patriot in me hopes they regain their senses, the partisan in me hopes they listen to her and we can have another decade plus of Republican rule. Bye, Bye ruling party. I hope you enjoy a return to the basement.

  9. By the way, MMM wrote a great book about her short stint in the house. I found it some years ago in the bargain bin (like her career) for a buck. It was a valuable insight and worth 20 times that. Get it.

  10. Scott P says:

    David, as far as Social Security goes, there’s a specific provision (Subtitle F, Sec. 1411) titled “No Impact On Social Security Trust Funds”. It specifically states that the income and balances of the trust funds shall not be reduced as a result of this Act.

  11. I love how conservatives want to keep sending taxpayer dollars to banks in the student loan program. I thought the GOP hated bank bailouts?

  12. Why nationalize student loans? The government wants to use it to control the people who are trying to pay for their own education. They want to find a way to push their way into private colleges. It is the first step to nationalizing post secondary education. Beware.

  13. Scott P says:

    Unsurprisingly, you don’t quite have your facts straight, David. They’re not “nationalizing student loans”. If by “nationalizing”, you mean “backing the loans”, that was done long ago. All this language is doing now is saving $60-$80 billion over the next decade by cutting out the currupt middlemen. But I understand that Real Republicans only support wasteful government spending when it goes to line the pockets of Big Businesses, so, play on.