Shep Smith Is Tired of the Overheated Rhetoric Too
…and apparently took RNC Chair Steele to task on this during his show today:
The Large Hadron Collider ran through a bunch of tests last week (and will shut down for some maintenance) and the predicted end of the world did not happen. HCR was passed in the House yesterday and the world still spins on its axis. Even better — the S&P and the NASDAQ are up abit today, so the economy certainly did not come crashing down as predicted. The fear mongering and the manufactured outrage didn’t get these repubs much and maybe Shep wants to know what the rest of us want to know: when will these guys abandon the apocalyptic bullsh#t and get to work? Steele really embarrasses himself here — if you can’t drop the talking points to have a conversation with someone who has asked you something outside of the comfort zone of those talking points, you aren’t leading anybody.
Tags: Republican Bamboozlement
Has this guy’s arrest sparked a wingnut uprising/civil war/circle jerk yet?
This is the guy teabaggers point to when they tell you that they do so have black friends.
And Michael Steele.
LOL. He has the overheated rhetoric down.
Wow, that guy was nuts.
Speaking of overheated rhetoric, here’s John Boehner from last night.
This is what I have to say to John Boehner.
Looks like they all need a time-out and a good nap. Maybe Speaker Pelosi could requsition fuzzy rugs for their desks so they could all lay their little heads down and chill out. The tantrums remind me of kindergarten.
As I said about Boehner – a nattering nabob of negativism.