Delaware Liberal

Tea Party Nation’s Master Plan to Repeal HCR

Look what landed in my email box:

Tea Party Nation

A message to all members of Tea Party Nation

Now we fight!!!
Over the last few days, you have heard very little from Tea Party Nation on the Socialist Health Care vote. This was by design. We had little more to offer than other patriot groups and I do not know about you, but my email box was getting filled up with urgent messages. No one needed one more.
Now things are different.  TPN has a plan and we are going to fight back!
Tea Party Nation wants you to take the battle to your home state.  The following states have recall provisions that allow recall of their congressmen. They are: OR, WI, NJ, CA, CO, MI, NV, ND, LA and KS. Several other states have limited recall. Most states do not have this law.
This is what we need you to do:
First, forward this email to as many people as you can. If you receive this email and are not a member of Tea Party Nation, go to the website, and join us.
Second, if your state allows recall, look up the procedure and get started.  If you need help, we will try and compile a list of attorneys who can help you.
Third, if your state does not have a recall provision, call your state representatives and state senators and demand that one be enacted immediately!  Enlist the help of your friends and fellow activists. Politicians like their job security, so they are not going to be that receptive to something that might be used against them.
Too bad – they work for us!
Finally, as I mentioned above, we need lawyers. I know there are a number of lawyers on Tea Party Nation. We need lawyers who can help us draft model statutes that people can give their state representatives and senators to introduce to their state legislature.  If you are an attorney and would like to help, please contact me at
The battle for freedom is entering a critical phase. Next on the Obama agenda is Amnesty and Universal Voter Registration. Both are designed to help the Socialists’ rule to continue by either creating enough new voters so they will win elections, or to create the wiggle room for Chicago-style corruption at the national level.
You know their motto by now — Why win an election, when you can steal it!
Time is running out.  We must act now! If we do not stop the Obama/Pelosi/Reid axis of political evil now, we will not have a country to save in 2012.
Thank you all for your hard work and efforts up until this point.  The future of the country left to us by our founding fathers and fought for by our forefathers now rests on our shoulders.
We may have lost a battle, but we will win this war against liberalism!
Judson Phillips Founder and President Tea Party Nation

Well, everything I learned about stealing elections I learned from the rethuglicans in Ohio in 2004.  I was in Columbus volunteering for the Kerry campaign and witnessed how manipulating who had enough voting machines skewed the election.

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