Delaware Liberal

Reconciliation – 2 More Votes To Go

The Senate finished its “vote-a-rama” early this morning (votes on all the B.S. amendments Republicans made to the reform reconciliation package). The Senate parliamentarian ruled for the Republicans on 2 points of order this morning.

Jim Manley, spokesman for Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, said Republicans consulting with the Senate parliamentarian had found “two minor provisions” that violate Congress’ budget rules. The provisions deal with Pell grants for low-income students.

Manley said those two provisions will be removed from the bill, and he expected the Senate to approve the measure and send it to the House. Manley said Senate leaders, after conversations with top House Democrats, expect the House to approve the revised measure.

Both chambers are hoping to begin a spring recess by this weekend.

NBC News reported that the Democratic leaders said the measures would not alter the policy or cost of the bill.

This means that the reconciliation needs 2 more votes to pass. The Senate is expected to vote today and then because the bill was changed, it has to go back to the House for a vote. Democratic leaders were hoping to avoid having to take another vote in the House, but assuming these changes are minor, they aren’t expecting problems with the re-vote. It will just give House Republicans more time to whine on camera.

I expect the media will play this as a huge win for the Republicans. Indeed, when I first saw the story this morning it was headlined “A Win for Republicans” and a short excerpt made it sound like the whole bill had been struck. Expect Republican happy dances all day long.

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