So This Is What They Meant by Bipartisan

Filed in National by on March 29, 2010

We all know that Republicans have been going on about how much they want to work in a bipartisan way with Democrats, but we always figured they were doing it with their fingers crossed behind their backs. It turns out, though, that we were wrong — Republicans really do want bipartisanship. Yesterday, on FOX News Sunday, rising Tea Party prince Marco Rubio spelled out exactly how he sees bipartisanship working:

“I’ve been more than happy to work across the aisle to do things like lower the capital gains tax, lower the corporate tax, flatten the tax rate, lower all these other taxes that make America increasingly unfriendly place to do business. And if the Obama administration tomorrow announces that is their agenda or the leadership in Congress does, I’ll be more than happy — I’ll be thrilled to work with them,” he said.

So basically, Republicans will be more than willing to work in a bipartisan way with Obama just as soon as he becomes a Republican. Somehow, I fear they’re still confusing “bipartisanship” with “capitulation”. Gee, I hope no one calls their bluff and introduces a major piece of legislation based almost entirely on ideas championed by Republicans and right-wing think-tanks. That could get awkward.


About the Author ()

A lifelong Delawarean who has left-of-center views -- and he's not afraid to use them.

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  1. Brawl at Recess « From Pine View Farm | March 30, 2010
  1. bamboozer says:

    Behold! A new Clown Prince Arises! What about Rubios plan to change Floridas name to Cuba Libre Norte?

  2. A. Nony Moose says:

    Actually, there was bipartisan opposition to ObamaCare. The partisanship was on the side that voted for it despite the opposition of the American people.

  3. A. Nony Moose says:

    And once again, we find a liberal engaging in racist rhetoric against a minority who won’t toe the line, bamboozer.

  4. Jason330 says:

    Just when you think that Republicans could not go any lower – they are supporting the seditionists nutbags in Ohio who were planning to kill cops.

  5. fightingbluehen says:

    A. nony moose , you beat me to the punch on the health care vote.
    The Dems are thwarting the will of the populace, and with each victory they snatch,they seem to get more aggressive and mean spirited.

  6. cassandra_m says:

    You people would be way less boring if you could speak for yourselves and not just repeat today’s nonsensical talking points.

  7. Scott P says:

    That would require independent thought, C. The Republic vs. Democracy debate has good points on both sides, but these two make a pretty strong case for keeping our Republic.

  8. fightingbluehen says:

    I speak my own mind Cassandra. In fact, I despise talking points, and for that matter, most popular culture. I generally don’t like politicians, Republicans or Democrats, although the Democrats definitely piss me off more.

    The only time I watch FOX is when English football is playing.

    One Wayne Rooney there’s only one Wayne Rooney…… You know the song.