Delaware Liberal

Ed Osbourne Wins an Award

This is from the good news/bad news file.  Local political activist and fabulous auto mechanic, Ed Osbourne has won a Sammie Award for being a Modern Day Sam Adams.  That’s the good news.

The bad news is that the organization awarding Ed this prize is the Sam Adams Alliance, which appears to be a tea party type organization.  As a point of reference, the speaker at the awards ceremony on April 16 is Andrew Breibart, boss of America’s favorite pimp and would-be telephone man.

Ed won the award for his tireless efforts to get reasonable eminent domain legislation enacted to prevent E.D. abuse in the wake of the landmark Kelo v. City of New London decision by the Supreme Court.  Ed’s battle culminated in the signing into law of E.D. reform by Governor Markell last year.

Congratulations Ed!

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