Delaware Liberal

Monday Open Thread

Welcome to your first post-iPad Monday. Does the world feel different and new? Are you ready to chuck your unwieldy netbook and use an iPad forever? So, are there any non-iPad related things you want to discuss? Put them here, in your open thread.

I’m sure you’re shocked to learn that the Florida urologist who told Obama voters to seek treatment elsewhere has no idea what he’s talking about:

Dr. Jack Cassell, the Orlando urologist who put a sign on his door letting patients know he doesn’t want to have to treat them if they are Obama/health care reform supporters, was on my radio show Friday night, but didn’t seem to know much about the health care bill he’s criticizing.

At 1:46 in:

Cassell: Hospice cuts in 2012…Does the government want people to die slowly?
Colmes: Do you really think the government wants people dead?
Cassell: Well I think that they’re cutting all supportive care, like nursing homes, ambulance services…
Colmes: What to you mean they’re cutting nursing homes?
Cassell: They’re cutting nursing home reimbursements
Colmes: Isn’t what they’re cutting under the Medicare plan what was really double dipping; they were getting credits and they were getting to deduct them at the same time.
Cassell: Well you know, I can’t tell you exactly what the deal is.
Colmes: If you can’t tell us exactly what the deal is, why are you opposing it and fighting against it?
Cassell: I’m not the guy who wrote the plan.
Colmes: But if you don’t know what the deal is why are you speaking out against something you don’t know what the deal is?
Cassell: What I get online, just like any other American. What I’m supposed to understand about the bill should be available to me.
Colmes: It is; it’s been online for a long time; it’s also been all over the media…

In fact, the National Association of Home Care and Hospice praises much of the bill.

All he knows is “socialism, socialism, socialism.” I don’t think I would want to be treated by a physician who can’t even bother to inform himself.

Sarah Palin’s show of canned interviews done by other people didn’t have such a great debut:

Following the show’s airing, critics gave middling reviews, calling it “canned,” “innocuous, flat,” and a “letdown.” It appears viewers weren’t thrilled either, as Mediaite notes that the show’s ratings didn’t even beat those of the program it replaced:

Sarah Palin’s much-hyped LL Cool J-less Fox News special last night didn’t bring in the huge ratings some (ok, we) predicted. Greta Van Susteren’s On The Record which normally airs at 10pmET beat the program the previous three nights in the A25-54 demographic and two out of three nights in total viewers.

Moreover, the show “shed viewers from start to finish,” losing 18 percent of viewers over the course of the program.

I thought controversy was supposed to sell. It sounds like a lot of people weren’t even interested in checking the show out. Has Palin’s star lost its luster? She still has her rabid base but everyone else – not so much.

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