Delaware Liberal

Questions for the Insurance Commissioner

Next week, a joint committee will be holding a hearing with the Insurance Commissioner, Karen Weldin Stewart to discuss a BCBS issue and allegations raised by the partisan, Caesar Rodney Institute.  DelawareLiberal may be in attendance at the hearing, but all of the questions will be issued by the members of the committee.

However, I thought it might be informative if we come up with questions that we would like answered.  Hopefully someone will filter these to members of the committee.  I’ll start.

So here’s the ground rules… They have to be real questions.  We can’t ask questions like “is it true that you can’t read or write?” (I am sad that I have to even stipulate that).  They should be pointed and not subject to pontification.  If there are follow-ups, ask them too.  You can even follow up on the questions someone else asked.

Tear it up.

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