Delaware Liberal

Bendy Straws Are Presidential

Sarah Palin spoke to students at California State University last week and some students found a copy of her hospitality rider contract in the trash. Saint Sarah has gotten used to the life of a well-paid celebrity already.

Here are the four strangest–or most outrageous–provisions in Palin’s.

(1) The Lear Jet A.P.’s Robin Hindery reports, “Among other perks, Palin will fly first class – if she flies commercial. If not, ‘the private aircraft MUST BE a Lear 60 or larger …,’ the contract specifies.”
(2) The Bendy Straws Politico’s Glenn Thrush pithily summarizes, “Palin demands first class, bendable straws.” Wherever she speaks, bendable straws must await her at the lectern.
(3) All Questions & Guests Pre-Screened Hotline pulls out the big news-worthy detail: Palin “requires that any questions she gets from the audience be pre-screened. In fact, even questions from a moderator are to be pre-screened, according to the document.” Additionally, “Any guests at private receptions must be pre-screened.”
(4) The Three Hotel Rooms The rider stipulates, “Customer agrees to provide the Speaker and party with accommodations of a pre-registered one-bedroom suite and two single rooms in a deluxe hotel.” What constitutes a “deluxe hotel” is not clear.

Notice how careful she is to avoid anyone who might ask her real questions. Really, why does anyone still think she is going to run for president. It’s a whole lot of work and you have to meet with the un-screened little people.

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