Delaware Liberal

An Open Letter to the Tea Party

Dear Tea Party Members and Sympathizers,

Happy (or do I wish you an Angry?) Tax Day to you. Since you seem to have appropriated today as your holiday, I thought it would be a good opportunity to try to reach out to you. Despite what some may think, I consider myself to be a fairly intelligent and open-minded person. In spite of this, there are some basic facts about your movement that I just don’t quite understand. I was hoping to take this opportunity to allow you, in your own words, to educate me and the readers of Delaware Liberal.

What I want to know is, “Why are you so angry and scared?” I understand that the Tea Party movement, whether or not it’s a part of the Republican Party, is certainly a conservative phenomenon. Therefore, it’s natural that you would disagree with some or most of the policy ideas of the current Democratic administration. But what is it exactly that’s gotten you into this ultra-agitated state? To the point where members of your movement are threatening secession, the formation of your own militias, and making speeches about “Taking back our country” and threatening real violence (“We came unarmed, this time.“) I, for one, really want to understand your concerns.

So this is what I propose: You give us as many specific complaints and concerns as you can, and I’ll do what I can to see that they are addressed with exactly as much seriousness as they deserve. I hope to prevent this from becoming a name-calling forum, and to keep it focused on ideas. I don’t want to get all “Festivus-y”, but this is the time for the Airing of Grievances. What I ask of you, in return for civility and seriousness, is specificity. Your movement is far too angry and vocal to be fear-mongering with vague, general assertions. If you want specific grievances addressed, you need to make specific points. No more “Obama is a Socialist.” Cite for me specific instances of Socialist behavior. No more “Stop the Government Take-over”. Tell me exactly what the government has taken over that it shouldn’t.

One thing I have gathered about Tea Partiers is that one major complaint seems to be that you feel your voice is being ignored. Well, here’s your chance to be heard. Tell me what you think is wrong, explain to me who you would fix it, and convince me to join the Tea Party. Thank you.

                                                                                                                               Scott P

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