Delaware Liberal

Where’s The Teabagger Army?

Arizona just passed a bill making it mandatory that you have your papers with you in the state:

The bill, known as SB 1070, makes it a misdemeanor to lack proper immigration paperwork in Arizona. It also requires police officers, if they form a “reasonable suspicion” that someone is an illegal immigrant, to determine the person’s immigration status.

Currently, officers can inquire about someone’s immigration status only if the person is a suspect in another crime. The bill allows officers to avoid the immigration issue if it would be impractical or hinder another investigation

So, what constitutes a “reasonable suspicion?” Would talking with a Hispanic accent be considered reasonable?

So, when are we going to see a teabagger protest of this law? Police and Sheriffs have now been turned into Federal Immigration agents. You could now be arrested just because the police officer doesn’t like you and you don’t have your birth certificate (note: most drivers’ licenses don’t have immigration information on them).

So, are we going to see a teabagger army protesting this loss of freedom? They can also prove their bipartisanship, since the bill was sponsored by Republicans and will be signed by a Republican governor.

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