Delaware Liberal

Rasmussen Puts Castle Up By 23%

Rasmussen released a new poll for the Delaware U.S. Senate race.

The U.S. Senate race in Delaware is virtually unchanged over the past two months, with Republican Mike Castle continuing to draw strong support from the state’s voters.

The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Likely Voters in Delaware shows Castle picking up 55% support to Democrat Chris Coons’ 32%. Seven percent (7%) of the state’s voters prefer some other candidate, while another seven percent (7%) are undecided.

It’s Rasmussen, so take it with a grain of salt. Rasmussen identifies where Coons needs to work:

Seventy-five percent (75%) of Delaware voters who Strongly Favor repeal give their vote to Castle, while Coons picks up 64% support from those who Strongly Oppose repeal.

Seventy-one percent (71%) of Delaware voters correctly identify Republicans as the party criticized by some as the Party of No for their unified opposition to President Obama’s agenda. Thirty-nine percent (39%) see this label as a bad thing these days, while 30% say it’s good thing to be labeled that way. Another 31% are not sure.

So 36% of people who favor health care reform give their vote to Castle despite the fact that Castle has never voted to reform health care.

Also in the poll – Markell has 58% approval.

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