Carney at Cape Henlopen to Rally Against Our Shore Oil Drilling

Filed in National by on May 6, 2010

If you are downstate and have the time today, you may want to stop by Cape Henlopen State Park, specifically The Bluff in the Fort Miles Historical Area, where Democratic Congressional Candidate John Carney, local elected officials, and leaders from the environmental and business communities will gather to express their opposition to drilling for oil off our wonderful beaches. The event is scheduled to start at 11:30 a.m.

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  1. Chutapatr says:

    I’ll be there! – Chuddy

  2. From the press release:


    John Carney Demands Reversal from Federal Government on Proposed Oil and Gas Exploration off the Delaware Coast

    New Castle, DE — John Carney, local elected officials, and leaders from the environmental and business communities will gather tomorrow to express their united opposition to oil and natural gas exploration and drilling off the Delaware Coast.

    WHO: John Carney, Democratic Candidate for Congress
    State Senator George Howard Bunting
    State Representative Pete Schwartzkopf
    Sussex County Councilwoman Joan Deaver
    Joanne Cabry, Appointee of the Speaker of the House, Center for Inland Bays
    Mable Granke, Citizens Action Foundation Chair, Citizens’ Coalition
    Scott Thomas, Executive Director, Southern Delaware Tourism

    WHAT: Press conference with Congressional candidate John Carney, elected officials, environmental and business leaders,who oppose any natural gas or oil exploration and drilling off the Delaware coast.

    WHERE:Cape Henlopen State Park
    Fort Miles Historical Area
    Lewes, DE

    WHEN:Thursday, May 6, 2010
    11:30 am

  3. Joanne Christian says:

    So who the heck would be FOR drilling off the Delaware shores? Such a softball appearance. Uh, does this mean Carney is now going to spring into action? Is this what it takes?

  4. Delaware Dem says:


    The default position of the Republican Party is “Drill Baby Drill.” Christine O’Donnell wants to drill here and drill now. Mike Castle did his fence sitting dance as usual:

    Rep. Mike Castle, R-Del., said the nation should “certainly” include new domestic supplies in short-term planning, though Delaware residents would be concerned about potential impacts on the environment and tourism.

    Carper, of course, echoed Castle’s comments (or is it vice versa).

  5. No doubt oil lobbyist and Minner confidant/staffer Gary Patterson would be for it.

    What is Michele Rollins’ position on it? Glen Kumquat’s? At least we know where Carney stands.

  6. Joanne Christian says:

    And again DD, it’s local, local, local first. Not a local politician in this first state would ever agree to our off shore involvement–and w/ Russ Peterson watching over? C’mon–the grandstanding has begun–and I received my first robo-call–from the “incensed” John Carney about this off shore drilling. Well, you know what DD–Joanne Christian DEMANDS Reversal of Federal Government of Proposed Oil and Gas Exploration off the Delaware Coast…..and so does every other citizen who lives here.

    Drill Baby Drill can drill in their own wilderness, away from civilization and a Route 1 view. Sounds like a 21st century logging camp set-up to me–if that state wants it–let ’em have it. Those Alaskans didn’t mind the income and rebates 25 years ago.

  7. ‘Bulo – I would love to see Castle, Rollins and the rest of the clown show asked their position on offshore drilling in Delaware.

  8. Delaware Dem says:


    It is an election year… grandstanding is part of the game.

  9. anon says:

    This is a great issue to draw contrast between Democrats and Republicans. Coons has anti-drilling stuff up on his website too, but Carney has really thrown down the gauntlet here and is being much more aggressive.

    Republicans can’t win on this – They can’t be for oil drilling off Rehoboth, but if they oppose offshore drilling the DrillBabyDrill wingnuts will turn against them – and they need every wingnut they can get.

    I predict a lot of NIMBY – “I support more drilling, but not near Delaware.”

    Interesting that Coons and Carper are not mentioned in the press release. Not sure what that means.

    Also of note – against all my predictions, Carper has endorsed Coons at a public rally, making this possibly the only existing footage of Carper endorsing a Democrat. It is a collectors’ item. I can’t imagine Carper taking an aggressive role campaigning against Castle, so let’s see how this unfolds.

  10. Wow, Carper bucked the Delaware Way?

  11. meatball says:

    Be sure to look for Uof D’s 400 foot wind turbine. It is quite majestic.

  12. As we all know, there are ‘endorsements’ and there are endorsements. I suspect this is about as enthusiastic as Carper will get re Coons.

  13. Jason330 says:

    What a card. Who is writing Carper’s material? Bruce Vilanch?

  14. Miscreant says:

    Were any the “local” small-minded assholes who propose a moratorium on windmills there? Last I heard, the Town of Lewes purported to “in essence, protect us from ourselves”, because the cost effectiveness of wind power “has yet to be proven”. Then, in the same paragraph, they proposed to keep an eye on the U of D windmill, and if it was a success, they would consider building one to supply electricity to the town.
    Hypocritical douche bags.

    It was good to see Mable Granke is still alive and kicking. Nice lady. The last conversation I had with her, she was crowing about how her husband used to keep radioactive material in a safe down in the cellar.

  15. fightingbluehen says:

    Political opportunists out for a photo op at a dog and pony show.

    Why was this protest not two months ago when Obama lifted the ban on drilling offshore ?

    These politicians take you all for fools, while you throw them your accolades.

  16. fightingbluehen says:

    By the way, I was driving over the canal bridge south of Lewes the other day, and i glanced north towards the town. What a shocker. Someone put a little town beneath a huge propeller. This thing is so large that you almost think you are seeing things.

    I have nothing against windmills, after all they are just big generators, but what I’ve noticed is that rich people are displaying them on their houses, like they are the newest bling like fashion statement. kind of silly when you think about it.

  17. Joanne Christian says:

    Just like those earlier TV satellites in a yard–look Dad–the Jones’ got one!!!!!

  18. anon says:

    kind of silly when you think about it.

    Not really. It’s good marketing to build public support for real wind farms.

  19. fightingbluehen says:

    I have an idea. Instead of wind turbines, the town should set up an exercise center with stationary bikes and treadmills hooked to generators. This way the health conscious tourists could exercise, and produce power at the same time, instead of parading around town looking foolish.

  20. a.price says:

    for real, FBH. They should be getting their energy by giving money to BP, or Iran, or other places that will destroy world like GOOD Americans.

  21. ananan says:

    The town created the moratorium so they could put universal rules in place for anyone who wanted to put a windmill up. They’re not against wind power. In fact, they’re buying excess power from the UD wind tower.

  22. Jason330 says:

    Lewes is the greenest town in Delaware. They have nothing to fear from the Eco-nazi police force that CRI informed me is being put in place to crush our god given right to litter and pollute.

  23. fightingbluehen says:

    Jason330, I wish “Eco-nazis” would focus on polluting and littering, but they don’t.
    They only focus on carbon output, because that’s where the money is right now.

  24. Jason330 says:

    Heny, I wish there was such a thing as Eco- Nazis. They only exsist in your urine soaked Teabaggy nightmares.

  25. a.price says:

    polluting IS carbon output … moron.

  26. Why was this protest not two months ago when Obama lifted the ban on drilling offshore ?

    Both Carney and Coons came out against expanded offshore drilling before the massive oil spill. One reason to have a show is to bring attention to an issue and take advantage of the news cycle.

    I haven’t read the paper today – did the NJ decide if this was news or not?

  27. Geezer says:

    That’s debatable, a.price. Carbon dioxide is produced with your every breath. Sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide are not.

  28. Carbon dioxide doesn’t fall in the category of pollution so easily, IMO. It’s naturally emitted and is in fact necessary for life on earth. The problem is that we’re making too much of it, much more than is necessary to sustain life and enough that its bad effects can be felt (greenhouse effect).

  29. a.price says:

    geezer, please dont tell me you’re going down that wing-nut “Obama wants to tax your methane farts” path. i KNOW we exhale CO2…. the amount that nature has determined to be safe and in balance. what IS pollution is the MASSIVE and unnatural amounts belched out by power plans… or pumped directly into the ocean by BP… THAT is pollution. yes sulfur dioxide is also pollution… so is EVERYTHING…literally EVERYTHING produced by the right wing

  30. fightingbluehen says:

    The whole C02 argument is actually inhibiting coal fired power plants from having to filter real pollutants out, the worst of which is mercury. The government is holding out on real restrictive measures hoping that carbon sequestration is just over the horizon.

  31. fightingbluehen says:

    Step into my “green electric emporium” and for every 100 hours you complete on the electricity generating treadmill or stationary bike, you will receive a shiny green leaf medallion, that will adorn your chest, showing that you care. Your friends will be “green” with envy at your next cocktail party.
    Can’t you just smell the “smug” ?

  32. a.price says:

    The whole C02 argument is actually inhibiting coal fired power plants from having to filter real pollutants out, the worst of which is mercury. The government is holding out on real restrictive measures hoping that carbon sequestration is just over the horizon…….

    blah blah blah
    solution?… NO MORE COAL!

  33. Geezer says:

    “The whole C02 argument is actually inhibiting coal fired power plants from having to filter real pollutants out”

    No, it’s not. That’s just the latest excuse from the coal-burning industries for why they refuse to behave responsibly toward the public entity (government) that has granted them their charters.

    Simple corporate responsibility — stop disposing of your garbage on public property — should have dictated industry self-policing on pollution decades ago. You conservatives are all for responsibility when it’s a poor black person, but never when it’s a rich corporation.

  34. a.price says:

    FBH, your cynicism about those who don’t want to breath toxin-filled air, and those who actually care about out home is disgusting.
    You really ought to be ashamed of yourself for caring so little about something so vital to your continued existence. And i dont mean just YOU (even though i know it is damn near impossible for Teabags to think about anyone other than themselves..) I mean your offspring (or spawn) and their descendants. Is the feeling of the Right really and truly “let them worry about it”?

  35. Geezer says:

    I prefer to keep things filed under their proper labels. As UI points out, carbon dioxide is necessary for life. Yes, it’s a problem, but we’re dealing with some uneducated people on the right. Classifying C02 as a pollutant is one of the points on which the opposition likes to cite to claim enviros don’t know what they’re talking about. Please don’t help them.

  36. Geezer says:

    FBH: Nobody I know who cares about the environment is smug about it. That’s a fiction made up by your Radio Republicans — another straw man argument to make their (and your) selfishness easier to dismiss.

  37. fightingbluehen says:

    a.price, the whole point is that I don’t want my family to breath in toxins. It’s the C02 that I’m not worried about.

  38. a.price says:

    Why should we dumb down facts to communicate with them? If carbon dioxide… in the factory, car etc produced form is a pollutant…. call it what it is. Don’t make excuses for it just because Teabaggers are too dense to accept fact.

  39. fightingbluehen says:

    “FBH: Nobody I know who cares about the environment is smug about it. That’s a fiction made up by your Radio Republicans”

    That would be “South Park” actually.

  40. a.price says:

    Not only did you misinterpret that episode…
    you are basing your “knowledge” of “facts” on Southpark? you’re even dumber than i thought.

  41. fightingbluehen says:

    “Not only did you misinterpret that episode…
    you are basing your “knowledge” of “facts” on Southpark? you’re even dumber than i thought.”

    Dude , what the hell are you talking about. I’m not basing my knowledge on Southpark. I just used the “smug” bit as a joke, and how did i misinterpret it ? Don’t you have a sense of humor ?

  42. Geezer says:

    The guys at South Park are very similar to radio Republicans, but more cowardly and less responsible.

  43. fightingbluehen says:

    Actually, i was half serious about the “green electric emporium”, but
    one of the problems is that you would have to charge the people money to use the equipment because you wouldn’t be able to produce enough power to sell back to the electric grid for a profit.

  44. fightingbluehen says:

    Now, what is realistic, is if a municipality owned the sight and equipment, they could coincide the usage of the equipment with peak usage hours, and have a “beat the peak” scenario. If enough people generated enough power during these peak usage times, the city could buy power at a lower cost. Look up Delaware electric cooperative and “beat the peak”.

  45. Miscreant says:

    “The town created the moratorium so they could put universal rules in place for anyone who wanted to put a windmill up. They’re not against wind power. In fact, they’re buying excess power from the UD wind tower.”

    Wrong. The town is imposing a moratorium until they see how it would affect their bottom line, and so the cowards can mitigate current and future complaints from the NIMBY assholes. Frankly, I can’t wait until the wind farm goes up 7.5 miles off the coast of Rehoboth. It’ll be a beautiful sight. Wind and solar, especially on the individual residences, is the future and should be embraced. It’s irresponsible and small-minded to oppose it, but that’s typical of how the the mini bureaucrats in Lewes operate.

    Here are some telling quotes from a recent article in the Cape Gazette:

    “Until council can get informed answers from the university’s research, Ford said it should block construction of windmills.

    Jim Richmann, a candidate for the Board of Public Works (BPW), says a moratorium would allow the city’s utility providers to investigate the possibility of integrating alternative energy into its rate schedule.”

    “The city doesn’t really have a rate structure such that it could recover the cost of its infrastructure if a homeowner is using a windmill,” he said. Even if the city works alternative energy into its rates, Richmann said he doubts small turbines would be efficient generators.

    “They’re so affected by turbulence that the operating efficiency of the machine is low,” Richmann said. “They’re a real loser from the standpoint of the homeowner. We are in effect protecting homeowners from themselves.”

    I feel so safe and protected now that Ford and Richmann are looking out for me. And the idea that wind turbines are becoming status symbols for the rich is bordering on the absurd.

  46. Miscreant says:

    “Step into my “green electric emporium” and for every 100 hours you complete on the electricity generating treadmill or stationary bike, you will receive a shiny green leaf medallion, that will adorn your chest, showing that you care. Your friends will be “green” with envy at your next cocktail party.
    Can’t you just smell the “smug” ?”

    Smell this:

    Sheriff Arpaio Makes Inmates Pedal to Watch TV
    Arizona Sheriff Arpaio has inmates pedal bicycles to generate power for TV viewing

    Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio has started a program he calls “Pedal Vision,” in which inmates pedal stationary bikes to generate electricity for television sets. The bikes are customized to turn on connected TV sets once inmates at Phoenix’s Tent City Jail pedal enough to generate 12 volts of electricity. An hour of pedaling equals an hour of television. Arpaio said inmates only will be able to watch television if they choose to pedal. He said he started the program with female inmates because they seemed more receptive. Arpaio said the only exercise female inmates have been getting is speed-walking around the tent yard. He said Pedal Vision gives them a reason to get moving and a way to burn calories.

  47. nanana says:

    Carper a total embarassment. By the way, where is Jack Markell and Alan Levin on drill baby drill?

  48. Rob Tornoe says:

    From the Bergen Record:

    “Sen. Tom Carper of Delaware, a Democrat, says that so long as drilling can be done without undue risk to the environment, he is for it, right off the coast of his own state.”