SB 234 Passes

Filed in Delaware by on May 11, 2010

The House has passed the Universal Recycling bill, 26 to 12, with 1 present but not voting and 2 absent. ‘Bulo will cover the meat of this tomorrow in his daily legislative roundup, specifically as to what amendments passed and were defeated, but I wanted to pass along the result and Governor’s statement, which is below:

After years of effort, statewide recycling will be coming to Delaware. The Delaware House of Representatives tonight passed the bill, which Governor Jack Markell can now sign into law. Markell made the passage of the legislation an administration priority.

“The plan is comprehensive, cost-effective and practical. It’s designed to dramatically increase recycling while reducing burdens on businesses and restraining the cost of waste. Making recycling convenient and available to every household in the state was a goal long sought that can now become reality,” Markell said. […]

“I want to congratulate Senator McBride and Representative Mulrooney, the Democratic sponsors who helped make this bill a reality, and the Republicans in both houses that made this a truly bipartisan effort,” Markell said. “People came together– leaders from business, non-profits, local governments and communities across the state – to make a lasting, positive difference for Delaware.”

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  1. jason330 says:

    My short interview with Tom Noyes on all of this has been posted at “C’mon Delaware With Jason & Donviti”

    It is actually “part B” of tomorrow’s podcast, but what the heck…

    Be sure to listen tomorrow when Donviti and I will interview Congressman Michael Castle.

  2. Delaware Dem says:

    Jason & Donviti. The unlikeliest political marriage since Obama & Clinton.

  3. jason330 says:

    …since Billy Carter and Beer.

  4. TommyWonk says:

    Thank you everyone for your vocal support for stateside recycling.

  5. fightingbluehen says:

    Glad to see the state has so much extra money for this feel good bill.
    Now all the jet setters up in Wilmington can feel good about themselves before they fly all over the place consuming more resources than a small town.
    Way to fast track that sucker fellas !

  6. jason330 says:

    Suck it loser.

    The fact that this makes wingnuts angry is just the icing on the cake for me.

  7. anon1 says:

    I haven’t read the bill, but maybe someone can give me a quick answer. All the synopses of the bill I have read say something to the effect of “waste haulers will have to OFFER recycling pick up.” Now, does that mean FREE recycling pick up, or can they charge for the service? If they can charge for it, then this bill is useless. Couldn’t haulers who dont want to bother just charge a price no one would be willing to pay?

  8. TommyWonk says:

    The bill requires all trash haulers to offer curbside recycling as part of their service, for a single price.

    House Amendment 1, which would have required haulers to break out the cost of recycling on customers’ bills, was defeated.

  9. anon1 says:

    For a single INCREASED price? So you throw away the same amount of stuff and now it costs you more? WE have to pay the recycle “tax” in the form of a fee increase whether we want to participate or not? Someone explain to me how this is a good deal? Because right now, I pay “x” and take my recyclables just down the road to the recycling bins on my way to work. Now, I will be paying “x+y” and nothing changes.

  10. anon says:

    I love recycling. I hate home separation, but I do it because it is free to drop it off in the bins.

    If I still have to separate my trash at home, I am still doing the work myself and not really getting a service I want to pay for.

    If my hauler raises my rates they can damn well pick my bottles out of my trash can themselves.