Delaware Liberal

SB 234 Passes

The House has passed the Universal Recycling bill, 26 to 12, with 1 present but not voting and 2 absent. ‘Bulo will cover the meat of this tomorrow in his daily legislative roundup, specifically as to what amendments passed and were defeated, but I wanted to pass along the result and Governor’s statement, which is below:

After years of effort, statewide recycling will be coming to Delaware. The Delaware House of Representatives tonight passed the bill, which Governor Jack Markell can now sign into law. Markell made the passage of the legislation an administration priority.

“The plan is comprehensive, cost-effective and practical. It’s designed to dramatically increase recycling while reducing burdens on businesses and restraining the cost of waste. Making recycling convenient and available to every household in the state was a goal long sought that can now become reality,” Markell said. […]

“I want to congratulate Senator McBride and Representative Mulrooney, the Democratic sponsors who helped make this bill a reality, and the Republicans in both houses that made this a truly bipartisan effort,” Markell said. “People came together– leaders from business, non-profits, local governments and communities across the state – to make a lasting, positive difference for Delaware.”

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