Conservative Women’s Group Elevates Souder To A Man Above Men

Filed in National by on May 19, 2010


“Those of us who have worked with Mark over the years know him to be a kind and thoughtful legislator. If Mark Souder is capable of sexual misconduct, it could happen to anyone,” said Concerned Women for America CEO Penny Nance in a statement Tuesday. “The frat house environment on Capitol Hill does nothing to encourage accountability.”

Frat House or C Street house?

I think Souder doesn’t deserve the pedestal he’s being placed on.  Is this Conservative Women’s Group really saying that fidelity is an unachievable goal?  Because that’s what it sounds like, since Souder’s such a paragon of virtue.

And the solution?

“Most Members do not live with their families while they are working in D.C. during the week and have even ditched common rules of etiquette that even major corporations follow such as office doors with windows or careful examination of employee/boss interaction.”  (Read entire statement here)

I’ve always been of the mindset that if your partner wants to (and is open to) cheating then, short of handcuffing them to you 24/7, there’s nothing you can do.  And why does the “most Members do not live with their families while they are working in D.C. during the week” sound like an excuse?  It’s along the lines of “boys will be boys” and “a man has his needs” argument.

Look, I don’t care how many women Souder slept with.  In fact, I don’t care who anyone sleeps with.  Souder can’t say the same – which is why this story is generating so much attention.

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About the Author ()

A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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  1. jpconnorjr says:

    this guy is just one of many on the right side of the world that just doesn’t get if you are going to say something is bad to get elected you are going to get fried when you do it. his wife should take all his money now:)

  2. office doors with windows

    LOL!!!! The lack of windows makes me horny too.

    If Mark Souder is capable of sexual misconduct, it could happen to anyone

    Hey, listen up “family values” pols, it’s all good!

  3. MJ says:

    During the first year of Dumbya’s administration, CWA was calling all of the leaders of the gay and lesbian employee groups under the guise that they were students researching Pride celebrations at Federal agencies. I exposed them (when I had to call the “student” back) and let Barney Frank handle them. They are a bunch of busy-bodies who need to get a good */#$ and stay out of everyone’s bedrooms.