Delaware Liberal

President Reagan Too Busy to Honor Tradition

President George H.W. Bush Too Busy to Honor Tradition.

President George W. Bush Too Busy to Honor Tradition.

All of the above statements are headlines that Frank Knotts of Delaware Politics could have used in his latest screed, because they are as equally true as the headline he chose to use. Frank is upset that President Obama will honor our nation’s veterans on Memorial Day at the Abraham Lincoln National Cemetery in Illinois, because he is returning home to Chicago this weekend; instead of attending the services at the Arlington National Cemetery.

I await Frank’s coming condemnations of President Reagan and both Presidents Bush, for each of them did not speak at Arlington on Memorial Day. President Reagan missed the Arlington ceremonies in 1983, Bush in 1992, and Junior in 2007.

Frank, thy name is Hypocrite.

Ed. Note, I originally thought David Anderson was the author of the screed on DP. You’ll forgive me, as I saw the DP piece (of s….) on Google Reader, and since they do not show authors there, and since all conservatives read from the same script, it is difficult to tell them apart just by reading sometimes.

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