Delaware Liberal

Memorial Day Hypocrisy from Mike Castle

Not like this hypocrisy is a new behavior or anything.

On Castle’s website, he posts up the obligatory Memorial Day salute to men and women in uniform. This is the hypocrisy:

In putting on the uniform day in and day out, the men and women of the Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Marines and Navy put everything on the line in order to protect the many freedoms, rights and liberties we hold dear.

This is from a man who voted the way his party wantedagainst the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. From a man who specifically voted against the freedom of gay and lesbian Americans to be able to serve their country without having to live with the bigotry and fear of a few. These soldiers, airmen, sailors and marines are not engaged in protecting freedom, rights, and liberties for everybody *except* gay people. They are there for All Americans and specifically excepting gay and lesbian Americans from being able to openly serve is not about freedoms,rights or liberties. Which,of course, wasn’t the point of Castle’s DADT NO vote in the first place. His vote was about supporting his party. Which is specifically looking for ways to display and capitalize on their bigotries.

Huge majorities of Americans support repealing DADT:

And I think it is fair to expect that Delawareans support letting gay people serve openly in large majorities too. You’d think that Mike Castle would have gotten the hang of representing the wishes of Delawareans after so many years of claiming to do so. But here he is — again — supporting his party over the interests of the people he represents.

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