Misery Business

Filed in National by on June 1, 2010

Damn, haters all around. Obama supporters always knew things would be bad with all of the right-wings’ hate and anger, but this past Memorial Day is just an argument to far. (BTW, Teabaggers, way to politicize such a sacrosanct day of remembrance.) It was nice to see The New York Times tie the criticism of Obama and Arlington to the crazy:

Michael Zarembski, a combat veteran of Vietnam, complained that security fences prevented him from making his annual pilgrimage to the grave sites of several veterans he knew. “It’s a shame,” he said.

Mr. Zarembski, who said he believes Mr. Obama cannot produce a birth certificate to prove he is an American citizen -– an allegation long shown to be unfounded — stood with his back to the riser with Mr. Obama’s lectern bearing the presidential seal. Leaning on a walker for support, he said he planned to keep his back to the stage when the commander-in-chief spoke.

But a recent Time magazine piece puts some spin on the value of Obama haters:

Even if the President repelled a Martian invasion, the right’s reaction would likely be the same as it was after the Christmas Day bombing attempt, or the Times Square failed attack, or the current oil spill: denigration of Obama’s competence, suspicion of his motives, and implicit or explicit hope for his failure.


But as long as those trying to beat him are blind to the fact that tens of millions of voting Americans actually think Obama is doing a fine job, this President has a great ally in his enemies.

Official White House Photo by Pete Souza.

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A Dad, a husband and a data guru

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  1. anonone says:

    Did you think that GWB was doing a good job just because he had “tens of millions of voting Americans” actually thinking that he was doing a good job?

  2. nemski says:

    Actually anonone, up to the beginning of the Bush Administration’s rumblings about attacking Iraq, I thought we was doing an adequate job – wouldn’t have voted for him but he wasn’t doing harm. (That said, I was not please at all with the Patriot act which was passed just a month and half after 9/11).

  3. anonone says:

    That explains a lot, nemski.

  4. nemski says:

    Oh, A1, you’re being so coy. What does my comment exactly explain?

  5. anonone says:

    It explains why you think Obomba is doing a good job, because Obomba is a lot like GWB.

  6. nemski says:

    Understood, in anonone world that might be the case, but in real world it’s not.