Delaware Liberal

Going Immobile

I don’t know what website the young lady is viewing on her phone, but it is certainly not the new website. Yesterday, Delaware unveiled its new website, it has lots of bells and whistles, but the biggest drawback is that is not mobile friendly. In this day and age when so many of us are on the go accessing the internet from our phones, a newly designed government website should be needs to be mobile friendly. And, yes, I know DelawareLiberal is not mobile friendly, though that’s liberalgeek’s fault ;-). Here is a good comparison between Delaware’s site and New Jersey’s mobile site just so you can see the simplicity of a mobile site.

Then, Delaware’s insistence to heavily use Flash on the frontpage, when well over 50% of the mobile web traffic is coming from iPhones, just ranks of short-sightedness. Adding insult to injury, one receives the  following error message when accessing the site. Um, the inability to use flash is not “a known iPad bug”. Nice try.

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