The Idiot Frank Knotts

Filed in National by on June 4, 2010

I meant to get to this earlier this week, but work always gets in the way. Frank Knotts of Delaware Politics wants to impeach President Obama. Yes, that is not news, since Frank Knotts and indeed most Republicans have wanted to impeach the President before he even took office for the crime of being a Democrat, or being black, or both.

Frank, your typical Teabagger, wanted to impeach Obama over the bank bailouts (even though they were enacted by his hero Bush), over the Stimulus, even though it saved the economy and gave Americans the largest tax cut in all history, over the Healthcare reform law, even though it gives more Americans health care and cuts the federal deficit. So, basically, anything and everything that President Obama does is an impeachable offense just because Frank and his idiot Teabagging minions disagree with it, or even when they agree with (i.e. tax cuts and lowering the deficit).

The “crime” this time: offering jobs to people.

If the [Sestak] accusations prove to be true, then I believe this is an impeachable crime. This sort of corruption at the highest level[.] We need solid conservatives like either Wade of Urquhart in the House to bring the charges, and we need solid conservatives in the Senate, like Christine O’Donnell, to honestly adjudicate the charges. […] We cannot allow these sort of backroom deals to go unpunished. It is a crime against our democracy. It is a crime against our constitution and it is a crime against the people of this nation. […]

I love how he embraces Urquhart here, but that was on Monday. But, Frank being who he is, he probably still embraces Urkel today too. And Frank being who he is, I am sure he will be out again today or in the future with yet another impeach Obama post. Tempted as I was to simply ignore Frank and his idiot ramblings, the mainstream media, for reasons passing understanding, take as gospel anything that comes out of a Teabagger’s mouth. So the sane people on the planet are left as fact checkers.

And in checking the facts, I must demand that Frank Knotts include in any future post, if he indeed views political horse trading a crime, and an impeachable one at that, that he demand that Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush be impeached as well. Yeah, it would be retroactive, but I will take it just the same.

Ronald Reagan, who Teabaggers consider as some sort of “Pope of Teabagging” and as pure as the driven snow as far as politics and principles are concerned, directly offered an Administration job to then California Senator S.I. Hayakawa if he would not run for reelection. President George W. Bush, whom Teabaggers believe will be considered the best President of our times in 20 years or so, offered Democratic Senator Ben Nelson a Cabinet post if he would not run for reelection in 2006, so as to allow Republican candidate Mike Johanns a clear shot at victory.

Frank, you are an intellectually dishonest idiot. Either you don’t know history, or you don’t know the law, or both, and you believe such innocent political dealing that is as old as Ancient Greece is a crime; or you do know it, and are just hoping that everyone else in America is an ignorant idiot.

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  1. Geezer says:

    “Not many posts about this, huh? Wonder why.”

    Since you’re so dim, I’ll spell it out for you: Because this is how politics has been practiced in this country since about 1800.

  2. While we’re suggesting arm-twisting can we investigate the straight from Congress to K Street thing. What about the whole K Street project? How about the Medicare Part D voting that was held open for hours while Republicans twisted arms, even threatening to support challengers for incumbents.

    If conservative Republicans want to push for more open and accountable government, welcome to the fight.

  3. Delaware Dem says:

    Hey, I am all about retroactively impeaching Reagan and W. With Knotts’ obvious support for it, we are on a roll.

  4. anon says:

    How much more of this does there need to be until the media and the nation reaches an irrevocable consensus that Republicans are batshit crazy? We see glimmers of awareness in the press occasionally but it never seems to stick.

  5. cassandra m says:

    My recent favorite bit of Knotts’ Know Nothingism was his manufactured outrage over Chris Coons’ largest donor being Act Blue.

    I Kid You Not.

    Can we impeach George HW retroactively? He never visited Alaska during the Exxon Valdez emergency and he’s still alive — just thinking of the cable TV angle….

  6. Geezer says:

    Joe Conason has an interesting take on all the impeachment talk:

  7. RSmitty says:

    …until the media and the nation reaches an irrevocable consensus that Republicans are batshit crazy?

    Because not all of us are, thanks for the stereotype, tho. It’s not just that link, either. Of course, they slobber-knock us however they can, but it’s what happens when your body has to do battle to regain health.

  8. nemski says:

    Sorry RSmitty, that ship has sailed.

  9. anonone says:

    You had a moment of lucidity, RSmitty, but then you went back to the asylum.

  10. RSmitty says:

    Huh? Really? Is that the attitude you really want to take?

  11. I know you’re trying to help the Republican party Smitty but they’ve only gotten more crazy in the meantime.

    Yes, we know all Republicans or even most are not insane. Somehow the insane ones are always on TV and are leading the party. If Republicans want to improve their public image they’d distance themselves from Limbaugh, Beck, Hannity and their imitators. Instead they’ve thrown out anyone with a hint of moderation (Utah’s Bob Bennett, really?) and tied themselves even tighter with the Rand Pauls and Michele Bachmanns of the party.

  12. Delaware Dem says:

    For the record, I do not consider RSmitty to be a Republican of which I speak. I am familiar with the more moderate take of “Delaware Tomorrow” but I need to read more before I can say for certain that they are RSmitty Republicans instead of Anderson/Knotts Republicans. Joanne Christian is another of the RSmitty Republicans (or maybe RSmitty is a JC Republican).

    But generally speaking, RSmitty, the national and state parties have both gone off the rails since 2008. UI is right, it has gotten worse. Not your fault, but those are the facts. Republicans, in general, are batshit insane.

  13. RSmitty says:

    UI (and DD), while it would be largely a huge effort wasted to divide the bat shit crazies from the non, it is still very much disingenuous or lazy to toss a label with the intent to classify the whole bunch.

    Several years ago, Daniello declared at a convention that the only good Republican was a dead Republican. Whatever, but it was nothing more than a partisan rallying cry and many cheered. Again, whatever. Should I, however, turn around and say based on that moment that all Delaware Democrats want every Republican dead? Of course not and I never would. It’s a lazy person’s argument to do so.

    Now, there are indeed bat-shit crazy Republicans. I can absolutely agree with that. Not all Republicans, however, are bat-shit crazy. There are also batshit crazy Democrats (some are commenters), Independents (one is, unfortunately, a frequent commenter), and batshit crazy people from pick-your-party.

    Maybe it’s sensitivity, but when you know me (to a point) and know strides I’ve taken, but allowing and accepting labels like that, particularly from a group who has claimed to be open to debate and fair and equitable to all people (not a declaration, but these sentiments are from over time), well, it kind of ticks me off. I’m not looking for exceptions or anything like that, just maybe a little bit less welcoming of it. Then again, I do also have to remember where I am and the mission is to get liberals elected. That’s not a back-handed comment, either, but just the reality.

    FTR, this is reaction from the comments, not the post. I have my issues with Frank as well, and I think that is known.

  14. Delaware Dem says:

    True enough, RSmitty. This post or the comments (I believe) were not meant to smear you or your moderate brethren trying to take back your party from over the cliff (yes, the party has already jumped). We applaud your efforts, but we also know that, for the time being, the Republican Party is insane, with the added asterisk that RSmitty and others are sane, but are far outnumbered.

  15. anonone says:

    RSmitty, with all respect, you chose the label for yourself.

    As a Democrat who is constantly asked to defend Obama, can I say “I feel your pain?”

  16. anon says:

    Smitty – I think your party has left you. Unfortunately it seems like you will be the last to know (or at least to admit it).

    I think your quest to restore sanity to the GOP is doomed to failure, and you deserve better.

    Aren’t you really more of an Independent? I can’t think of a single post of yours on an issue that identifies you as a Republican.

  17. RSmitty says:

    Well, in the end, I don’t quit. Yes, I look around and absorb, but in the end, I don’t quit. I think I am more rounded for that (yes, in the waist, too).

    Aren’t you really more of an Independent?
    Oh, you and many others (Republican’s especially) have told me that I am, but just don’t know it. Well, my answer to that is, I am PRAGMATIC. I think I’ve made it pretty clear that the reality of the situation, or whatever you want to call it, matter to me in understand what needs to be done. Theories are great and can certainly be good opportunities to learn and research, but only AND ONLY when you accept that they are just that – theories. So, I will accept theories, compare them to reality and then see how they need to be adjusted (the theory, not the reality…PRAGMATIC) and move on. Sometimes that means being not-so-Republican, heck it may mean being not-so-any-party, but again, that’s being pragmatic.

    Oh, and before someone claims that there is no such thing as a pragmatic republican, some of the more unilaterly admired Republicans in history were pragmatic. Naturally, the hard-right considers them traitors, but history certainly looks at them fondly and they have results to show for it.

  18. anon says:

    Smitty – I get it. A lot of people (including myself) are still Catholics for much the same reasons you are still a Republican.

  19. anon says:

    See – this is why I don’t use my real name: I don’t want the first google hit on MyRealName to be “The Idiot MyRealName”

  20. Geezer says:

    In Smitty’s defense, he is what used to be the Republican mainstream. Like the Mississippi River, the stream has shifted, and Smitty’s now in an oxbow lake.

  21. RSmitty says:

    Like the Mississippi River, the stream has shifted, and Smitty’s now in an oxbow lake.
    …and the ‘in-control’ river is about to become a cess-pool of crap (oil), and I will remain (relatively) clean.

    That may have been more accurate than you intended! 😛

  22. PBaumbach says:

    Our tagline this fall:
    Vote Democratic–Because We’re Not Batshit Crazy!