Delaware Liberal

The Idiot Frank Knotts

I meant to get to this earlier this week, but work always gets in the way. Frank Knotts of Delaware Politics wants to impeach President Obama. Yes, that is not news, since Frank Knotts and indeed most Republicans have wanted to impeach the President before he even took office for the crime of being a Democrat, or being black, or both.

Frank, your typical Teabagger, wanted to impeach Obama over the bank bailouts (even though they were enacted by his hero Bush), over the Stimulus, even though it saved the economy and gave Americans the largest tax cut in all history, over the Healthcare reform law, even though it gives more Americans health care and cuts the federal deficit. So, basically, anything and everything that President Obama does is an impeachable offense just because Frank and his idiot Teabagging minions disagree with it, or even when they agree with (i.e. tax cuts and lowering the deficit).

The “crime” this time: offering jobs to people.

If the [Sestak] accusations prove to be true, then I believe this is an impeachable crime. This sort of corruption at the highest level[.] We need solid conservatives like either Wade of Urquhart in the House to bring the charges, and we need solid conservatives in the Senate, like Christine O’Donnell, to honestly adjudicate the charges. […] We cannot allow these sort of backroom deals to go unpunished. It is a crime against our democracy. It is a crime against our constitution and it is a crime against the people of this nation. […]

I love how he embraces Urquhart here, but that was on Monday. But, Frank being who he is, he probably still embraces Urkel today too. And Frank being who he is, I am sure he will be out again today or in the future with yet another impeach Obama post. Tempted as I was to simply ignore Frank and his idiot ramblings, the mainstream media, for reasons passing understanding, take as gospel anything that comes out of a Teabagger’s mouth. So the sane people on the planet are left as fact checkers.

And in checking the facts, I must demand that Frank Knotts include in any future post, if he indeed views political horse trading a crime, and an impeachable one at that, that he demand that Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush be impeached as well. Yeah, it would be retroactive, but I will take it just the same.

Ronald Reagan, who Teabaggers consider as some sort of “Pope of Teabagging” and as pure as the driven snow as far as politics and principles are concerned, directly offered an Administration job to then California Senator S.I. Hayakawa if he would not run for reelection. President George W. Bush, whom Teabaggers believe will be considered the best President of our times in 20 years or so, offered Democratic Senator Ben Nelson a Cabinet post if he would not run for reelection in 2006, so as to allow Republican candidate Mike Johanns a clear shot at victory.

Frank, you are an intellectually dishonest idiot. Either you don’t know history, or you don’t know the law, or both, and you believe such innocent political dealing that is as old as Ancient Greece is a crime; or you do know it, and are just hoping that everyone else in America is an ignorant idiot.

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