Monday Open Thread

Filed in National by on June 7, 2010

Welcome to Monday! I hope you’re all ready for the work week. Is it just me or have weekends gotten shorter? Let’s get rolling with our open thread. Post whatever’s on your mind.

This is scary, and very close to my house. Ladies, please be careful out there.

Delaware State Police believe a man is responsible for two separate abductions Wednesday and Saturday in which two women were sexually assaulted near Christiana.

Both incidents happened in the morning, police said. In both cases the women were approached at gunpoint while sitting in their cars in a parking lot near Del. 7 and Churchmans Road.

The man forced the women to drive him around to undisclosed locations, sexually assaulted them and then returned them back to the area where he picked them up, police said.

This is very sobering because right now they tell you if you need to do something – like answer the cell phone or play with the GPS – you should pull off the road and park. Now it’s not even safe to do that. I guess your best bet is to turn off your phone completely an make sure that you set your GPS while your still inside and some place safe.

New Scientist has an interesting column on denialism:

Whatever they are denying, denial movements have much in common with one another, not least the use of similar tactics (see “How to be a denialist”). All set themselves up as courageous underdogs fighting a corrupt elite engaged in a conspiracy to suppress the truth or foist a malicious lie on ordinary people. This conspiracy is usually claimed to be promoting a sinister agenda: the nanny state, takeover of the world economy, government power over individuals, financial gain, atheism.

This common ground tells us a great deal about the underlying causes of denialism. The first thing to note is that denial finds its most fertile ground in areas where the science must be taken on trust. There is no denial of antibiotics, which visibly work. But there is denial of vaccines, which we are merely told will prevent diseases – diseases, moreover, which most of us have never seen, ironically because vaccines work.

All denialisms appear to be attempts like this to regain a sense of agency over uncaring nature: blaming autism on vaccines rather than an unknown natural cause, insisting that humans were made by divine plan, rejecting the idea that actions we thought were okay, such as smoking and burning coal, have turned out to be dangerous.

Greg Poland, head of vaccines at the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota and editor in chief of the journal Vaccine, often speaks out against vaccine denial. He calls his opponents “the innumerate” because they are unable to grasp concepts like probability. Instead, they reason based on anecdote and emotion. “People use mental short cuts – ‘My kid got autism after he got his shots, so the vaccine must have caused it,'” he says. One emotive story about a vaccine’s alleged harm trumps endless safety statistics.

He [Seth Kalichman, social psychologist at the University of Connecticut at Storrs] believes the instigators of denialist movements have more serious psychological problems than most of their followers. “They display all the features of paranoid personality disorder”, he says, including anger, intolerance of criticism, and what psychiatrists call a grandiose sense of their own importance. “Ultimately, their denialism is a mental health problem. That is why these movements all have the same features, especially the underlying conspiracy theory.”


About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

Comments (94)

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  1. Rand Paul makes me sick. He compares himself to Martin Luther King, Jr.

  2. cassandra_m says:

    What an asshole. Paul thinks he is an idealist — but the only thing he is fighting for is the right of people operating a public business or conveyance to discriminate against people Not Like Them. There is nothing *nanny state* about All Men Are Created Equal.

    We should start a pool — winner has to guess the exact date that Paul retreats to speaking to the world via his Facebook page.

  3. fightingbluehen says:

    Goodbye Hellen Thomas. Don’t let the door hit your bigoted ass on the way out.

  4. anon says:

    Egypt lifts Gaza blockade, assumes responsibility for new weapons flowing into Gaza. War soon.

  5. delacrat says:

    If Helen had suggested the Palestinians “get the hell out”, she’d still have a job.

  6. anon says:

    The last person to tell Israelis to “get the hell out” was Ariel Sharon. Cleared ’em right out of Gaza.

    Some people are never happy.

  7. delacrat says:

    Sharon had to clear them out. Otherwise, they would have been under a same blockade, constant IDF overflights and free fire zone as the rest of Gaza.

  8. MJ says:

    Thomas should have retired years ago, before dementia set in. Was she really that effective working for Hearst? Doubtful.

    And FYI delacrap, Sharon made the hard choice to clear the settlers in order to move talks with the PA forward and to enforce terms of previous agreements with the PA. Keep talking your shit and showing us how much you don’t know. It amuses us.

  9. anon says:

    Hey… Mike Castle’s state quarters are supposedly a money-making program. The idea is that little old ladies will collect them because they think they will sell them for a million dollars on Antiques Roadshow. Since they spend real money for the quarters, and then they never spend the quarters, some people think this is a Good Thing for the economy.

    My question: When people become desparately broke (say, when unemployment is 10%), what happens when they start cashing in all those quarters to get by? Doesn’t the money-making effect run in reverse?

  10. pandora says:

    Helen Thomas gone.
    Pat Buchanan still employed.

    Just sayin’

  11. Geezer says:

    Anon: Here’s a coin collecting site that treats your question, albeit from the collecting perspective:

  12. anon says:

    Hey delacrat – Helen Thomas is 89 years old. What’s your excuse?

  13. Glenn Beck is still employed despite his racism. Rush Limbaugh is still employed – he even called for segregated busing.

  14. delacrat says:

    Why should some lose their job because they offend a foreign country?

  15. Miscreant says:

    “Why should some lose their job because they offend a foreign country?”

    Who was offended… Poland, Germany, Israel…?

  16. anon says:

    Why should some lose their job because they offend a foreign country?

    Helen Thomas lost her job because she offended her employer’s customers.

  17. delacrat says:

    Helen’s comments were about a foreign country.

    If her employer or their customers hold an allegiance to that country which would cause them to turn on a fellow countryman/woman, it is they who have a loyalty conflict.

  18. anon says:

    it is they who have a loyalty conflict.

    That is open to debate. But Hearst wasn’t going to fire its customers, so they fired Helen instead.

    It is amazing how Helen Thomas, who yesterday was considered a crusty but sweet and sharp old lady, is now a hateful bigot.

    In Linda McMahon terms, Helen Thomas was a face who turned heel.

  19. MJ says:

    Um, Thomas’ remarks were about Jews, not the Israeli government. Do you really think she was seriously saying that Israel should invade Poland, Germany and/or the US?

    UI & Pandora – I also think that Beck and Buchanan should be shown the door.

  20. anon says:

    Do you really think she was seriously saying that Israel should invade Poland, Germany and/or the US?

    No, I think she was suggesting maybe they could pick up some cheap real estate around Auschwitz.

  21. Helen Thomas’s remarks were offensive. I think Pat Buchanan’s defense of Hitler is even more offensive and I didn’t see any righwingers calling for his head when he said them. The only people who complained were lefties.

  22. pandora says:

    And that’s exactly the point, UI. At least Helen Thomas apologized. And while I think her remarks were offensive I don’t think progressives should have handed the rightwingers another scalp. Why are we constantly doing that? Do we think they’ll learn by our example? Fat chance.

    Helen Thomas did a lot of good. In fact, she was one of the only voices who dared question the Bush Administration. I’d hope we don’t forget that amidst the outrage.

  23. anon says:

    Helen Thomas did a lot of good.

    Agreed. That is why she was allowed to announce her retirement instead of being fired.

    But I’m not buying the apology. You don’t apologize away that kind of hate.

  24. delacrat says:

    While the White House (and Israel’s “amen” corner at DL) says Helen’s comments were “offensive and reprehensible,” but doesn’t find it “offensive and reprehensible” that the Israelis executed 9 civilians, including an American citizen, in international waters.

    Helen Thomas offends somebody and her distinguished career is ended. But Israel kills somebody…but no one (who counts) calls for cutting Israel’s allowance.

  25. MJ says:

    Here we go again with the revisionist history lesson from delacrap.

  26. Miscreant says:

    “… that the Israelis executed 9 civilians, including an American citizen, in international waters.”

    I’m guessing you researched the event (even watched some actual footage?) before regurgitating that talking point? Maybe if they produced a coloring book….

  27. anonone says:

    Well, since the Israeli Defense Force has admitted to doctoring tapes from the incident before releasing them (only after they were caught doing it, of course), there is no reason to trust anything that they say.

    Clearly, an independent international investigation is the only way to get to the truth.

  28. MJ says:

    A1 – your link is a huge FAIL! That is not an official IDF or Israeli government website. ALL Israeli websites use .il in their domain names, not .com.

    You and delacrap need to get together to write your revisionist version of history and current events. Wait, I just figured it out, you and delacrap actually work for FAUX News. That explains everything.

  29. anonone says:

    MJ, before you embarrass yourself some more, that blog is an official part of the IDF English language site. You can see that if you go to the official IDF english site at:

    that it links directly to the blog linked to above (click on the “IDF Blog” banner). You can also follow it back one more link to the Hebrew site at:

  30. MJ says:

    A1 – I’m never embarrassed, especially by mental midgets like you.

    And where in that “blog” does it say that the IDF admits to doctoring anything? C’mon, asshat, where?

  31. anonone says:

    MJ, I tried to give you the chance not to embarrass yourself further, but you didn’t take it. I am assuming that you can read that IDF blog post yourself, particularly the part about “the audio was edited…” They also posted both their original edited version and the unedited version.

    Note that when it was released, the IDF did not say that it was edited at all. Also note that it wasn’t until they were caught that they admitted it, which is why they issued their “clarification.” There is no reason to trust anything that they say. None. Zero. Nada. Zip.

    There needs to be an independent international investigation. The Israeli government cannot be trusted.

  32. MJ says:

    that they took out inaudible background noise (“the audio was edited down to cut out periods of silence over the radio as well as incomprehensible comments so as to make it easier for people to listen to the exchange.”)? That’s your conspiracy? Pretty far reach, A1, even for you. It didn’t alter anything what the “peace activists” said, did it?

    And actually, there is no reason to listen or believe anything your write. Nope, nada, zilch. Nothing.

  33. anonone says:

    They lied, MJ. Plain and simple. They released doctored tapes without telling anybody. And they got caught. Nobody knows what they took out; nobody still knows for sure if what they released is authentic and complete. They can’t be trusted.

    You can’t face the fact that they are liars and propagandists and you can’t bring yourself to admit that the only way to find the truth is through an independent international investigation. The Israelis wouldn’t be doctoring tapes and fighting an independent international investigation if they weren’t hiding something.

  34. anonone says:

    MJ, I find it amusing how you keep trying to discredit me personally when you are so clearly and indefensibly wrong about the facts here. My link was not a “FAIL.” The IDF released doctored audio and they admitted it when caught. They faked evidence, but all you can do is to call names and hurl obscenities at anyone who destroys your little narrative that Israel is beyond reproach, even after they pump 4 bullets into the head of an American, whom you think “got what he deserved.”

    All I am asking for is an independent international investigation.

    I leave it to the readers to judge who is believable.

    Good night.

  35. delacrat says:

    If we can believe Israel’s investigation of the Mari Marmara massacre, by the same reasoning, we can accept an Al-Qaeda investigation of 9/11 .

  36. MJ says:

    Believe what you want, A1.

    Fact: the Israeli government told the “peace activists” on the Mari Marmara and the other ships that they could off-load their supplies in Ashdod and then accompany the supplies to Gaza. Six of the ships agreed; the “peaceniks” on the last ship, in need of media exposure and already armed, tried to run the blockade. They failed (much like your arguments). Explain to all of us why the MV Rachel Corrie allowed the Israeli navy to board and inspect the ship, then off-loaded their supplies in Ashdod. The only reason was the entire world NOW knew what Israel had offered all of the other blockade-running wannabes and these “peace activists” wouldn’t get anymore media coverage. Face it, the Mari Marmara wanted trouble, went looking for it, and when they got what they were looking for, they and you leftist purists started crying foul.

    You seem to spend the majority of your life trolling the Internet trying to find Jewish conspiracies about everything. Where was your outrage when the North Koreans sank a South Korean ship, killing (executing in delacrap’s words) 46 sailors? I’ll tell you where – nowhere, because you couldn’t tie this act of agression to the Jews. Where was your outrage when Sudanese soldiers were raping and killing the people of Darfur? Again, you remained silent because you couldn’t tie this back to the Jews. And where is your outrage against Egypt for closing ITS border with Gaza? Once again, your silence is deafening. I guess it’s OK for Arabs to do this to their fellow Arabs.

    You and delacrap are the lowest of low – self-righteous leftist purists who supposedly fight for the downtrodden, but are secretly anti-Semitic mamzerim and wouldn’t have a Jew, a Black, a Latino, or any other minority cross the threshold of your home. You’re the “I have nothing against (________), some of my best friends are (_________) leftist. And there is a difference between being a progressive/liberal and an leftist.

    The IDF didn’t “lie” as you put it, A1. They took out gaps where there was total silence or inaudible noise. Did putting those pieces back in and releasing it change anything? No, it didn’t and you haven’t proved that it did.

    Who is supposed to head up this independent investigation? The UN? Give me a break. They cannot investigate their own corruption. Much less, I wouldn’t trust an organization that once equated Zionism with racism from carrying out a unbiased investigation of anything. You and delacrap want an “independent international investigation,” – well, they want ice water in Hell, too.

    And the only reason I refer to you as an asshat, is that you have an uncanny ability to pull “facts” out of your ass.

  37. anonone says:

    My facts are clearly and indisputably correct, MJ. Israel cannot be trusted to investigate itself. Calling me “anti-semitic” is a despicable slur that is utterly without merit and is the last refuge of someone like yourself who has no argument to stand-on. There are many Jewish people who share my outrage at the actions of the Israeli government, including many Israelis. I suppose that you would call them “anti-semitic,” too.

    Your “they got what they deserved” attitude towards the people killed, accusations of anti-semitism, and profane name-calling of people who are simply calling for an independent international investigation is vile. As a DL contributor, you are a disgrace to this site.

  38. anon says:

    but are secretly anti-Semitic mamzerim

    Secret’s out. And thanks for the Hebrew lesson.

    Calling for an “independent international investigation” is bullshit, because there is no such thing to be had, and they know it.

  39. MJ says:

    A1 – blah, blah, blah. You tried that tired “I suppose those Jews, etc.” and the “they got what they deserved, etc.” arguments last week and they failed then, just as it fails now. I can smell an anti-Semitic schmuck like you from miles away. You have a vile stench, that wafts through the air and permeates your writings. It’s not a slur, it’s calling you what you are. And if you’re so offended by it, sue me, asshat.

    Take some time and educate yourself before you issue another one of your boring diatribes. And if that doesn’t suffice, try this.

    Oh, and I’ve been called worse things by better people, so just STFU. As you’ve been advised before, if you don’t like what you read here, start your own fucking blog. Take your Obama-hate, your anti-Semitism, ultra-leftist ass somewhere else. It ain’t flying here, mamzer. The only disgrace on here is you when you come to troll amongst the adults.

    Now, don’t you have a corner to go off to so you can whack off in private?

  40. MJ says:

    anon – beva’kesha

  41. anon says:

    There are many Jewish people who share my outrage at the actions of the Israeli government, including many Israelis. I suppose that you would call them “anti-semitic,” too.

    In general, the difference between a leftist Jewish critic of Israel and a leftist anti-Semite is this: The Jewish critics hope for a non-violent path to a two-state solution, but the anti-semite would be perfectly happy with policies resulting in the disappearance or destruction of Israel, because then they would “get what they deserve.”

  42. anonone says:

    Interesting how you always make the attacks personal, MJ. Are the many Jewish people and Israelis who disagree with the actions of the Israeli government “anti-semitic,” too?

    Unfortunately, MJ, you’re not alone in trying to stifle any debate about US-Israeli policy. As you can see here, many use the same ugly epithets that you do against people working for peace:

    People who call others names like “anti-semitic,” hurl profanities, and deny indisputable facts only define themselves.

    I will continue to advocate for peace and justice.

  43. anonone says:


    No where – ever -have I advocated for the “disappearance or destruction of Israel.” I am for a two-state solution and a secure Israel. I am against the continued settlements and the ghettoization of the Gaza strip by the Israeli government. I am for peace and justice in the entire region and against the use of violence by all sides.

    MJ’s referral to me as an “anti-semite” is totally and utterly without merit, but it is the “nuclear option” of his personal attacks, so he resorts to it frequently.


  44. pandora says:

    I don’t think anonone is an anti-semite and I don’t think MJ believes those who were killed on the flotilla got what they deserved. But, hey, I’m into solutions, so what do I know?

    Excuse the interruption, please continue on your chosen path.

  45. anon says:

    No where – ever -have I advocated for the “disappearance or destruction of Israel.”

    You may have avoided advocating short-term threats to Israel, but ask yourself if you have advocated for long-term threats.

    Wishing for things like tying Israel’s hands in its conflicts, or allowing more weaponry or empowerment for Hamas, or cutting off US committments, or supporting a full “right of return,” are things that carry a long-term threat to Israel’s existence.

    These threats seem remote to distant observers, but to Israelis they are very present and acute threats. That is why Israel defends against these long term threats so fiercely and why it appears as overreaction to foreign observers.

  46. anonone says:

    pandora – “they got what they deserved” are MJ’s own words, not mine. He has never disavowed them.

    anon – I don’t want more weapons for Hamas or Israel. I think that both sides need to stop the violence and the things that provoke violence, e.g. blockades and settlements on one side and threats against the right of Israel to exist on the other. Peace will only happen with sustained courage and effort, including secure borders and acknowledgment of the right to exist from both sides.


  47. a.price says: for all of you who have been foolish enough to led to think Hamas is a “peaceful organization that just wants peace”

    Palestinians deserve their own country (so do ethnic Israelis and despite what a senile old bat says, so do the jews)

    Hamas however is a terrorist organization no better than Al queda.

  48. delacrat says:

    anon @ 11:24 am:

    Your Zionist fantasy:

    “Wishing for things like tying Israel’s hands in its conflicts, or allowing more weaponry or empowerment for Hamas, or cutting off US committments, or supporting a full “right of return,” are things that carry a long-term threat to Israel’s existence.”

    bears no relationship to reality:

    Wishing for things like tying Israels’s Palestinian hands in its conflicts, or allowing more weaponry or empowerment for Hamas, the IDF or cutting off US committments, or supporting a full “right of return,” are things that carry a long-term an immediate threat to Israel’s Palestines’s existence.

  49. MJ says:

    A1 – my exact quote was “They got what they deserved by trying to supply Hamas, a terrorist organization, with weapons.” (6/3/10 @12:15 PM). Why did you just pick and choose which part of that entry you wanted to regurgitate? Better to serve your failed posts on this subject?

    And you want to disarm a soverign nation? What folly.

  50. a.price says:

    If our soldiers were attacked with lead pipes and knives while boarding a boat in violation of a blockade or US marine space, we wouldn’t be having this conversation.
    I am absolutely sick of the double standard where Israel has to let all invaders do whatever they want. If it wasnt for American support and the strength of the IDF, millions MORE jews would be dead. Anyone else defends their country, they are just defending their country.
    If Isrealies (jews) defend themselves, they are just as bad as Nazis and should feel shame. The best part is, this is a progressive not a conservative viewpoint. Never have I been so ashamed to be a liberal.

  51. MJ says:

    Ah, and now ladies and gentlemen, delacrap, professor of Revisionist History of The Jews Own Everything University, has just chimed in. What took you so long? Price is Right boring today?

  52. Ishmael says:

    a,price nobody believes Hamas is a peaceful group. They know what Hamas is and gleefully cheer Hamas on in their efforts to drive the jews into the sea.

  53. a.price says:

    Delcrat, you cant seem to tell the difference between peacful palestininas, who 99% of Israelis have no problem with, and the terrorist group, Hamas. Who is the REAL racist?

    MJ, we seem to be the minority in realizing the threat to our people…… big shocker. Hostile neighborhood, the rest of the world turns a blind eye.

  54. anon says:

    delacrat is a one-stater in the Helen Thomas mold.

  55. a.price says:

    its the liberal way, Ish. blindly oppose all military action because some conservatives might support it with no regard to if it is good or not.

  56. a.price says:

    watch that youtube video. it is funny

  57. MJ says:

    Perhaps A1 could explain to all of us why these protestors in SF went to a Jewish Federation celebration instead of just returning to the Israeli consulate. Why target the Jewish community of any city, especially one that is celebrating something, instead of going to the government office of the country whose policies you oppose? That just doesn’t pass the smell test.

    I can remember the protests outside the South African embassy in the late 1980’s and early 1990’s. We were fighting apartheid and we went to the source. We didn’t protest outside the Dutch Reformed Church, which turned a blind eye on apartheid for many years.

  58. MJ says:

    A.Price – my brother sent me that video – I thought it was in poor taste, but I understand the message they were trying to get through. And it wouldn’t be the first time I was a minority.

  59. Ishmael says:

    Israeli students are planning a “peace flotilla” to Turkey with humanitarian aid for nations who suffered under Turkish imperialism – the Kurds and Armenians. The initiative comes in response to the world’s sharp criticism of Israel’s lethal raid on the Gaza flotilla which left nine activists dead and many wounded. The organizers are currently seeking a suitable vessel and trying to recruit other students to the cause. No date has yet been set…

  60. anon says:

    Israeli students are planning a “peace flotilla” to Turkey with humanitarian aid for nations who suffered under Turkish imperialism – the Kurds and Armenians


  61. delacrat says:

    a. price,

    “… for all of you who have been foolish enough to led to think Hamas is a “peaceful organization that just wants peace” “

    So your understanding of the Palestine-Israel conflict is reflected in this peurile youtube video ?

  62. anon says:

    Turkey has a dose of its own medicine on the way…

    Another sea-bound venture is being organized in an effort to draw attention to Turkey’s own controversial policies – this time to Cyprus, to “call for an end to the Turkish occupation” of the island’s northern half…

    Speaking to the Post on Monday, Haim Har-Zahav said the goal of the voyage was to “remind the world that Turkey is not innocent.

    “If Uruguay or Iceland were the ones criticizing us so harshly, it might be a different story,” he said. “But we’re talking about a country that only seven years after [the Six Day War and the beginning of Israeli control of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank] began occupying Cyprus…”

    “And so no, we will not accept this. The hypocrisy has to stop here.”

  63. a.price says:

    of course not. I think the video is funny… in a gallows humor sort of way. It also pokes fun at fools like you who honestly think Hamas is peaceful, or should be treated like anything other than terrorists. Never mind all the aid to gaza comes from Israel. Jews are standing up for themsleves and Europe/ apparently liberals cant have that.

    MJ, poor taste is defending “activists” who bead soldiers with pipes. Not a video mocking those who defend the soldiers. Keep in mind, any one of those people in that video can be killed at any minute by either a rocket FROM Gaza, or a child who has had a bomb straped to them by Hamas. keep defending that Delcrat.

  64. a.price says:

    delcrat, you have proven time and again that YOUR understanding of the conflict comes from the anti-israel propoganda machine. dont talk to me about not understanding the conflict. you are as misinformed as idiots like Sarah Palin when it comes to this stuff so shut up and let infromed people have the debate.

  65. delacrat says:

    a. price,

    “idiots like Sarah Palin”.

    The idiot, Sarah Palin, is accordingly, very pro-israel.

  66. MJ says:

    Price – not condemning you for posting it, it just wasn’t my cup of tea. Totally understand your point. I just didn’t like the video.

  67. MJ says:

    I’m waiting for delacrap and A1 to chime in on the Turkish occupation of Cyprus (summer of 1974) and the Armenian genocide. C’mon, boys, where’s your outrage?

  68. delacrat says:

    I’m waiting for delacrap and A1 to chime in on the Turkish occupation of Cyprus (summer of 1974) and the Armenian genocide. C’mon, boys, where’s your outrage?

    The “Turkish occupation of Cyprus (summer of 1974) and the Armenian genocide” of yesteryear do not justify IDF crimes in Palestine today.

    You are only throwing that out as a red herring. Trust me, nobody is chasing it.

  69. anon says:

    The “Turkish occupation of Cyprus (summer of 1974) and the Armenian genocide” of yesteryear do not justify IDF crimes in Palestine today.

    OK, so 1974 is the statute of limitations for territorial disputes. Now we are getting somewhere with delacrat.

  70. a.price says:

    The “Turkish occupation of Cyprus (summer of 1974) and the Armenian genocide” of yesteryear do not justify IDF crimes in Palestine today”

    crimes like fighting terrorist organizations like Hamas to deliver fiid and aid to Palestinians? admitt it Delcrat, you just have a hardon for anti Jewish terror groups.

    Delcrat only cares about defending people who strap bombs to their children. He still hasnt shown that he knows there is a difference between Hamas and Palestinians.

  71. anonone says:

    MJ asked “why these protestors in SF went to a Jewish Federation celebration instead of just returning to the Israeli consulate.”

    The answer is here:

    By the way, citing every incidence of violence and oppression on one group by another in the last 100 years is totally irrelevant to calling for an independent international investigation of the flotilla killings and the end of the Gaza blockade. I abhor and condemn all such acts of violence by nations or terrorists groups.

    Finally, in regards to exact quote that you’re so proud of: “They got what they deserved by trying to supply Hamas, a terrorist organization, with weapons” it is important to point out that there were no weapons being smuggled on those boats.

  72. MJ says:

    You miss the entire point, A1, which doesn’t surprise anyone. The “humanitarian aid” ships were told not to try to run the blockade. Six of the 7 ships obeyed, the 7th didn’t and they suffered the consequences. You still haven’t answered the question I posed earlier as to who should make up this “international investigation” you keep pimping. C’mon, name some names.

  73. delacrat says:

    ” The “humanitarian aid” ships were told not to try to run the blockade. Six of the 7 ships obeyed, the 7th didn’t and they suffered the consequences. ”

    Israel has no business imposing a blockade or telling anyone not to run it.

  74. anonone says:

    MJ wrote: “Six of the 7 ships obeyed, the 7th didn’t and they suffered the consequences.”

    The people caught smuggling food into the Warsaw Ghetto in the 1940’s also “suffered the consequences.” It doesn’t make it right.

    In regards to an independent international investigation, the U.N. secretary-general and the United Nations should determine who will carry out such an investigation.

  75. anon says:

    The blockade is more humane than bombing the weapons sites after they arrive in Gaza.

  76. MJ says:

    delacrap – Yes they do. In order to keep their citizens safe and to keep weapons out of the hands of Hamas, the Israeli government has every right to enforce the blockade.

    A1 – the UN, with it’s history of anti-Semtism (US Resolution 3379) and it’s anti-Israel tilt since the late 1960’s is in no position to determine who should investigate anything. Hell, they can’t clean up their own corrupt house, how are they going to investigate anything. And you really need to stop with trying to equate Gaza and the Warsaw Ghetto. It’s offensive to those of us who lost family members in the Holocaust and just shows how ignorant you really are. These types of comments just show how much of an asshat you are.

  77. its all a comedy! says:

    a.price. You are a real treasure. “Strapping bombs to kill children”! I guess its better to kill 900 children and women from F-16’s like Israel did last year huh! At least the bombers didnt see the carnage of their war machines. When was the last time you heard that any Palestinan strapped a bomb? You mean those homemade rockets filled with nails, bolts and anything they could find, the majority of which can’t make it over the WALL! And what is the casualty rate of those homemade bombs compared to the weapons of mass destruction? Israel owns all the water, has control of the sewers (which they stop for collective punishment) to fill the streets with crap and disease. They have Palestine surrounded with checkpoints! What the hell would any of you do in such dire straits. You would do exactly what was done in the Warsaw Ghettos, to Bagdad, to Afganistan…you would fight with whatever you had for self preservation. Palestinans are no different.

  78. MJ says:

    IAAC! – please provide links to back up your “facts.” And I’m asking for unbiased, third party links, not your Hamas/Hezbollah/Ahmedinajad fact-links.

  79. anon says:

    What the hell would any of you do in such dire straits.

    Um… maybe find out why my neighbor was so pissed off at me?

  80. a.price says:

    comedy, im talking about Hamas suicide bombers. stop talking about Hamas and Palestinians as if they are the same people. they are not. Your hatred of Israelis (jews) forces you to lump other groups of people together in order to fuel your hate. It is really quite creative.

  81. a.price says:

    They have Palestinians surrounded because groups like Hamas have said that they will kill Israelis EVERY CHANCE THEY GET. where do i find the facts to make that claim? IN THE VIDEOS HAMAS RELEASES!!! but im sure those dirty tricky Heebs just made those tapes.

  82. its all a comedy! says:

    MJ: I have given you factual info. Did you go to, did you read the reports? Where the hell are YOUR facts. I dont HATE JEWS, I despise zionists! Hamas is a democratically elected government as you well know. You want to avoid those facts. The election was called for and the results from the people were an election of Hamas. Hamas were not terrorists. They did provide health clinics,schools etc. before the election. ONLY Israel and its puppet the US government refer to them as terrorists. Jimmy Carter was there when the election was held. Palestinans were sick and disgusted with the corrupt Arafat. Don’t believe in democratic elections…so be it. I didnt think Bush was elected in 2000 either but we had to live with that rat for 8 years.

    You continue to use the “talking points”, but you have no facts of your own. Youtube is literally filled with Flotilla infor your just to lazy to look it up. I dont get any information from Hamas, my information comes from mid east newspapers, news media,Jewish bloggers and Jewish peace groups. Too bad your not in touch with them but want to badger anyone who has a different perspective than you. Calling Jews HEEBS is rascist. So your racist against palestinans and Jews?

    Price get a grip. Palestinans elected Hamas, Hamas is therefore the legitimate government of Gaza. Like it or not.

  83. anon says:

    Hamas is a democratically elected government

    Then they need to take their lumps when they make war on their neighbors.

    The damned thing about claiming a “right of resistance” is that when you exercise it you also acquire the right to get your ass kicked.

  84. MJ says:

    When did I call my fellow Jews Heebs, IAAC!? Are you smoking that crack again that you were smoking last fall with your anti-Zionist, Jews own everything and the US is a puppet to the Jews ran”midt? You really are quite sickening. You try to justify your hatred of Jews by being a champion of the Palestinians. But you’re a failure on that front. A blind man could see your true self. You are a disgusting human being.

    I also read “mid east newspapers,” and I speak to my relatives who live in Israel (and they’re on all sides of the political spectrum) on a daily basis. So I get my information firsthand. You can’t say the same. And your democracynow group is just as slanted as any of the other websites you, delacrap, and A1 have cited.

    So tell us, what is the difference between a Jew and a Zionist and why do you despise Zionists so much? What caused you to have such hatred?

    Oh, and you need to brush up on your grammar.

  85. anonone says:

    Comparing the Warsaw Ghetto in the early 1940s to Gaza today is perfectly appropriate. I would have hoped that your own sad family history with losing relatives in that ghetto would perhaps allow you to extend some sympathy and empathy to those people who find themselves being starved, denied medical care, and dying in Gaza today.

    The Palestinian people should not be forced to be the whipping boys for the barbaric acts against the Jews by the Europeans and Americans over centuries or collectively punished for the barbaric atrocities of Hamas terrorists.

    The UN may not be perfect in regards to convening an independent international investigation, but it is the best the world has at the moment.

  86. MJ says:

    A1 – you’re joking about the UN, right? The UN is the most corrupt “government” in the world. With nepotism, embezzlement, turning a blind eye to almost everything. They really did a bang-up job in Darfur, didn’t they. Oh, and they saw through that BS about WMD in Iraq. The UN couldn’t investigate it’s way out of a paper bag. Thanks for the laugh, though.

    And I don’t really care for your comment about my “sad family history.” You know nothing about my family history. What my relatives suffered at the hands of the Czars/Cossacks/Bolsheviks/Nazis doesn’t compare to anything you think you may have read about the Middle East.

    Here are some facts and myths for you to chew on.

  87. its all a comedy! says:

    MJ: you have NO facts you have nothing. You have presented nothing here to make your argument. Talking to your family? What newspapers in the middle east do you read, please name them. Your take on the UN is unjustified. The UN is corrupt because they won’t go along with zionists and there ability to make war against any/all neighbors? You have no argument, you have no sources your have opinon…we all have one of those. Democracynow just happens to be the only alternative press in the country I am aware of. No advertisers or corporate supporters, just the truth from real people. I guess you think Col. Ann Wright lied about the attack, US Ambassdor Peck lied…everyone lies except the zionists…right MJ. Tell you what, I stand with world condemnation you stand with a minority whose actions are finally catching up. No one believes them, literally no one.

  88. anonone says:

    Sorry, MJ. Whenever anybody, Jew, Christian, Moslem, or whatever, claims a divine right from god for anything, they lose the argument with me. It is long past the time when people should be killing other people over claims on land or property based on religious superstitions.

    In regards to the U.N., it is the best we got. And the UN inspectors were right about WMD in Iraq, not Bush or Powell. The war was not authorized by the UN; Bush would not let it go to a vote because he knew he would lose.

    BTW, I thought that you said that you had relatives who died in Warsaw under the Nazis. If I misunderstood, I apologize and stand corrected.

  89. MJ says:

    IAAC! – You still haven’t answered a very simple question that I posed at 5:24 PM – So tell us, what is the difference between a Jew and a Zionist and why do you despise Zionists so much? What caused you to have such hatred?

    I have presented plenty of facts here. All you have presented IAAC! is a shrill scream of hatred, based on someone Jewish did something to you in the past (IMO). That’s all I can figure out. You were just as shrill last fall as you are today.

    You really show either your stupidity or naivete by saying that the UN is controlled by Zionists.
    Perhaps you’ve read this too many times and believe it as fact.

    You really need to go see a shrink or something, IAAC!, because you are a danger to yourself and others with that vile hatred you have boiling inside of you.

    Examples of UN corruption can be found here and here.

    A1 – I took offense at what I perceived was you belittling my relatives that I lost during the Holocaust. If I mistook your sentence, then I apologize for misunderstanding what you were trying to say.

  90. anonone says:

    Dear MJ,

    I read “The Zookeeper’s Wife” last year. It is the story of Poland and the Warsaw ghetto during the war as seen through the eyes of the wife of the zookeeper of the Warsaw Zoo. It was one of those books that I’ll never forget. I would never belittle anybody who lost relatives in the Holocaust or in any other war. Nor will I ever wish ill on those risking their lives trying to help the oppressed.

    Anyway, perhaps we can both wish together that “never again” applies to all the peoples of the world, regardless of their differences.



  91. MJ says:

    And there was peace throughout the land.