Primary Day SuperTuesday

Filed in National by on June 8, 2010

There are primaries in 11 states today. Talking Points Memo provides a handy election guide.

Tomorrow is a veritable “Super Tuesday” of primaries in this non-presidential election year, with a whole host of top-tier primaries going on across the country. A total of 11 states are holding primaries: Arkansas, California, Iowa, Maine, Montana, Nevada, New jersey, North Dakota, South Carolina, South Dakota and Virginia.

Some of the more interesting races today:

Arkansas Senate Democratic runoff – incumbent ConservaDem Blanche Lincoln vs. Lt. Gov. Bill Halter. Halter held a slight polling lead, but it’s within the margin of error. This one might be very close.

California Senate Republican primary – this looks to be a runaway for for HP CEO Carly “Demon Sheep” Fiorina. I guess we’ll have more hallucinogen-induced commercials to look forward to.

California Governor Republican primary – Former E-Bay CEO Meg Whitman looks like the likely winner of the primary. She’ll probably take on current AG and former Governor Jerry Brown. I have no idea why California Democrats are recycling a dinosaur like Jerry Brown.

South Carolina Governor Republican primary – Nikki Haley, who is either a serial adulterer or a courageous fighter against the old boys network (or both), leads the field by 20%. One of her opponents is the current Lt. Gov. Andre Bauer. Bauer, if you remember, is the politician who compared people on welfare to animals and said we should stop feeding them. Bauer was in fourth place in the last polling. This race is still likely to end with a run-off.

Nevada Senate Republican primary – Two months ago, Sue Lowden was considered the presumptive nominee and probable next Senator from Nevada. Then came the chickens. In the last polling, crazy teabagger lady Sharron Angle (twice voted Nevada’s worst legislator) held a substantial lead with Sue Lowden and Danny Tarkanian in a virtual tie. What a choice Nevada Republicans have – crazy chicken lady, crazy teabagger lady or that other guy. Despite Harry Reid’s dismal popularity ratings, I think he has it made if he goes against either Angle (who wants to abolish Social Security) or Lowden (gafftastic!).

Which races do you have the most interest in?

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About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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  1. P would be the stronger candidate against Brown, but Republicans have taken the Whitman magic to heart. She can do it. As for Brown, he is the only Democrat left standing who has not run a government into the ground. At least when he was governor, the state some what worked. That is why they are recycling him. He is the only Democrat who can poll 45% right now.

  2. Nevada I am hoping for Danny T. Sue Lowden can win as long as she stands for repeal and leaves out the replace.

  3. Jason330 says:

    What news? Did the only Senator worse than TomCarper get her ass handed to her?