The Progressive Change Campaign Committee is working on an effort today to get constituents of Wall Street reform conferees asking us to sign the Hoenig-Fisher letter (letter by two Fed Reserve Bank Presidents urging Congress and the reform conferees asking for some reinstatement of Glass-Stegall type laws, especially those for derivatives). Want to sign? Do so here.
Once you’ve signed the letter, make sure to call Senator Carper’s office in the morning:
Washington: (202) 224-2441
Wilmington: (302) 573-6291
Dover: (302) 674-3308
Georgetown: (302) 856-7690
and urge him to make sure that the derivatives regulations as included to the Senate bill (the Blanche Lincoln language) stay strong for the sake of taxpayers and consumers. What is cool aout signing that petition is that it takes you to a page where they not only provide a number to reach Senator Carper, but gives you a quick script in case you are one of those people who never call because you aren’t sure what to say. You’ll find out that this takes less time than pledging the NPR pledge drive. 😉
Once you are done calling, they’ll give you some other ways to take action via Twitter or Facebook. So get this done early — sign the petition and call Senator Carper.