What Happens If The Tea Party Doesn’t Win Big?

Filed in National by on June 16, 2010

Unstable Isotope posted on the laughable poll that shows O’Donnell and Urquhart winning big.  This got me thinking.  These guys, and gals, really, really, really believe they are going to win – and win big.  Take a stroll over to Delaware Politics if you don’t believe me.  On, UI’s thread I asked… The problem is that they really believe she is going to win, and if she doesn’t win then… what?

We may have our answer.

Asked by the host, Lars Larson of Portland, Oregon, where she stands on Second Amendment issues, [Sharron] Angle replied:

You know, our Founding Fathers, they put that Second Amendment in there for a good reason and that was for the people to protect themselves against a tyrannical government. And in fact Thomas Jefferson said it’s good for a country to have a revolution every 20 years.

I hope that’s not where we’re going, but, you know, if this Congress keeps going the way it is, people are really looking toward those Second Amendment remedies and saying my goodness what can we do to turn this country around? I’ll tell you the first thing we need to do is take Harry Reid out.

Larson says Angle was floating the possibility of armed insurrection if Congress keeps it up under Reid et al.

“If it continues to do the things it’s doing, I think she’s leaving open that possibility,” Larson said. “And I think the founders believed that the public should be able to do that when the government becomes out of control. It just matters what you define as going too far.”

Second Amendment remedies?  Take Harry Reid out?  And, no, I’m not envisioning armed armies of tea partiers.  I am expecting more lone wolves.  This talk really concerns me, especially since the only election the Tea Party will ever accept is the one they win.

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A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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  1. anon1 says:

    None of the adults in the Republican party believe O’donnell or Urquhart can win at all, let alone win big. Either you’ve allowed yourself to become distracted by the loudest, shrillest voices, or you are building a false narrative for future use.

  2. pandora says:

    Try and keep up. We are discussing the Tea Party. The title
    of the post and the picture of the tea cup seemed an obvious
    hint to me.

  3. anon1 says:

    Tea Party doesn’t have ballot access and so can’t win at all. If you want to be that way…

  4. pandora says:

    Hmmm… Can Republicans win without the Tea Party? Thought

  5. anon says:

    “Tea Party” is a state of mind, not an organization. It’s as though the anti-authoritarian impulses of the 1960’s youth movement were used for evil instead of good, stupidity instead of insight. And expressed by old people instead of young people.

  6. anon1 says:

    My point stands. The “tea party” candidates mentioned here aren’t taken seriously by the grown ups in the republican party.

  7. Grown ups, that is not how most of us would describe them. They despised by you all except when they get in the way of the conservative movement. It is time for a revolution in America. We need a rebirth of freedom, family, and faith. They will either be a part of it or swept aside by it. I don’t care which.

  8. cassandra m says:

    Said by one of the NON grownups in the Delaware GOP…..

  9. Von Cracker says:

    easy. going back to voting straight-ticket republican, like they always had.

    there’s no purpose to the TPers. It’s a marketing campaign. Simple as that.

  10. jason330 says:

    David’s comment reminds me of the vacuous teabagger quoted in today’s NJ. It is all vague threats to take up arms and defend the gossamer dream of a bygone golden age marked by “freedom” and a religious piety. There is never a clear, cogent discussion of what freedoms they think are being abridged or how taking up arms will restore our piety.

    The whole GOP message is nothing but the emptiest of empty political rhetoric in the service of hazy but bilious rage.

  11. kavips says:

    The tea baggers are hot air. This idea of insurrection may sound exciting… (going to war always does to the stupid)… but the thought might occur somewhere down the line in their thick heads, that if they do…. there are far more blacks, hispanics, and urban whites, well practiced with their daily use of guns, than there are middle class white gun enthusiasts, who occasionally will expose their firearms to air at established ranges…

    With silly statements like “taking out Reid”, they’re obviously not thinking….

  12. jason330 says:

    Except for the fact that it would be horrible and wreck the country – I like Kavip’s idea of calling the teabaggers bluff and mopping them up over the course of a long weekend. It would be cathartic to make 20,000 or so middle class white dumbfucks dreams come true by rounding them up into work camps and scrambling their already scrambed brains with ultra high frequency black ops shit.

    I’d paint, “Glenn Beck’s ASS” on the business end of my nausea inducing high frequency crowd control machine.