Senator Sheldon Whitehouse is Not M*%#*@F*%^$#! Apologizing to M*%#*@F*%^$#! BP

Filed in National by on June 19, 2010

….or to any other oil company, or to any other big business for that matter. Note to Congress — this is how it’s done, people:

(T)his American Government of ours should never be on its knees before corporate power, no matter how strong. It should never be in the thrall of corporate wealth, no matter how vast.

You’ll have to bear with me here, since I’ve been out in the sun most of the day at the Jazz Festival, but I think that we should capture Congress in some way and make them watch this over and over again — Clockwork Orange style — until they straighten up. I’m looking at you, Tom Carper.

Well done, Senator Whitehouse. (This clip is 10 or 11 minutes long, I think. Transcript is here.)

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"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

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  1. Bumped into Sen. Carper at Iron Hill tonight. I so wanted to grill him, but I restrained myself…so tough.

  2. shoe throwing instructor says:

    It,s so sad to see how the tea baggers, only knowing how to get informed by watching fox news still think that businesses and corporations bear an unfair burden when it comes to federal taxes, they love to say that our 45% corporate tax rate is the highest in the world, when in reality political corporate bootlicking, the very thing that Whitehead talks about, has giving business and corporations so many loopholes and special deduction over the decades that many [Exxon-Mobil and GE] pay no federal tax at all and the rest pay the paltry some of 5% or less, since the TBers are not informed of this fact by the corporate media they often suggest more business tax cuts would jump start the economy. Very very tragic that propoganda has been so effective in influencing the people on the right.

  3. anonone says:

    Franken/Whitehouse 2012

  4. anonone says:

    Wrong time to decide to restrain yourself, Mike!

  5. jason330 says:

    I’ve come to the sad conclusion that there are some bad human beings in the Senate. Tom Carper is simply a bad person. But because of the way the system is set up – the country just has to wait them out and allow them to die. I think we all know that Carper has the seat for as long as he wants it.

  6. delacrat says:

    Comment by Mike Matthews @ 11:28 pm:

    “Bumped into Sen. Carper at Iron Hill tonight. I so wanted to grill him, but I restrained myself…so tough.”

    Last time I met Tom in the flesh, I told him I thought he was dangerous. He shrugged and said nothing.

    Until people are willing make themselves unpleasant and our rulers uncomfortable, Carper and Co. ain’t gonna change, and he, as Jason put it, “has the seat for as long as he wants it.”

  7. Mike Matthews says:

    I was prepared to say something, but seeing how I was flanked by two dozen people at my good friend’s birthday party, I didn’t want to make it “about me.” I’ll have more chances this summer and the old boy WILL be confronted!! I can’t wait.

  8. anon says:

    Whitehouse mentioned the Bush pharma bill as an example of captured legislation, but he didn’t have to go that far back. The HCR bill is a great example of captured legislation. Nice speech though.

  9. anon says:

    But because of the way the system is set up – the country just has to wait them out and allow them to die. I think we all know that Carper has the seat for as long as he wants it.

    Senators like Tom Carper and Blanche Lincoln will never be allowed to be defeated. The fix is in. If it looks like somebody is beating them, it will be stopped, like that World Cup ref who called back the goal for no reason at all.

  10. delacrat says:


    Not to sound like I am taking you in particular to task for your understandable discretion, heck, you’ve done more than the 99% who do nothing. The 99% who serve as a human halo behind the monarch whenever it speechifys before the cameras. But what’s more important, a birthday party or the planet?

    Looking back, I think should have stepped it up and gotten in his face, but having little delacrat with me at the time and he having uniformed goons nearby, I did not want to set a bad example.

    But what kind of example are we setting, when in the interest of propriety, we don’t so much as offend a monster’s sensiblities?

    I have to wonder if we’d still be in AfPakiNam, if Tom, Martha and the kids heard daily:

    “hey Tom whatta ya say , how many kids ya kill today? “

  11. Ishmael says:

    yeah BamBam got a 20 Billion dollar slush fund from BP, now every gulf coast democrat ward heeler and block captian will have a new car!

    let’s celabrate with a round of golf!

  12. jason330 says:

    The goal and purpose of every politician is to win the next election. (I learned that from my Republican brothers)

  13. skippertee says:

    I just keep sticking pins in my voo-doo doll of Tom Carpetbagger and sending nasty but non-threatening e-mails to his office.
    If anyone can get me some of his hair or a toenail or something to add to the fetish, it might increase it’s effectiveness.

  14. Geezer says:

    “let’s celabrate with a round of golf!”

    In your case, you can celebrate by learning how to spell. Intelligent people seldom listen to a demonstrated idiot.