C’Mon Delaware Looks at JesusBall

Filed in National by on June 20, 2010

This is what everyone be talking about this week – Delaware’s Wingnut Football Factory Exposed!

Every violation of the rules is okay, as long as you drag JESUS into your explanation.

Good writing by the NJ’s Kevin Tresolini


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Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Jason, I read that article this morning. Pretty amazing, huh?

  2. anon says:

    You’d think the destruction of Touchdown Jesus would be a warning.

    Anyway, it’s a good thing these faith-based schools exist as an alternative to the brainwashing and indoctrination in public schools.

  3. jason330 says:

    Anybody who knows about the ministry of Jesus, knows that his teachings boil down to – WIN AT ALL COSTS.

  4. jason330 says:

    Court ruling on the difference between satire and parody. Interesting stuff. Particularly if you are putting together a video to excoriate Mike Castle by changing the lyrics to Lady Gaga’s “Just Dance.”


  5. liberalgeek says:

    There has been some interesting mailings coming out of Red Lion. There are apparently some in positions of power that have tried to put the brakes on this thing, but have been unsuccessful in the normal channels. There were apparently some letters sent to an incomplete list of members/regular attendees of the church. Those letters were then countered by letters to the full congregation disputing the first round of letters and explaining that there was a division in the church.

    I understand that this morning was quite interesting with a number of people being “resigned”.

  6. jason330 says:

    The thing that is going to put the brakes on will be David Sills’ graduation or transfer. David Sills Sr. has put too much money in the transfer him though, so five years from now things will settle down.

  7. mediawatch says:

    It won’t last five years — not without a stellar wide receiver to catch young David’s tosses and a couple 300-pound blockers to protect him until he’s ready for USC.

  8. jason330 says:

    Who read today’s teaparty anti-Mexican thingy on the front page of the NJ?

    Of that group, how many of you think Mike Castle will man up and smack down these SC secessionist nutbags?

  9. jpconnorjr says:

    So just FYI the REAL toucdown Jesusis in southbend clearly God took care of that fake in ohio!! I think Gerald Ford was reincarnated for a couple days and he did a clinic on Helmetless playing and clueless coaching.

  10. dv says:

    ohhhhhhh I can’t wait

  11. orestes says:

    Tresolini’s article is fair and balanced. Clearly there are some members of the Red Lion Community who are upset by this emphasis on football(including the teachers). I commend Kevin Charles for his efforts. I can tell you that teacher intimidation is attempted at many schools. Also the recruitment rumors are non ending. However, when a wrestler transfers from Ohio to St. Marks and his Dad gets a job from a St. Marks alum…. the rumors will persist. To be fair there are interesting cases at a whole host of public and private schools. In this case Red Lion was so blatant that the DIAA could act and the Red Lion Community expressed their outrage. The superintendant needs to go. Red Lion is getting a black eye and they will need to change those who got them there. I have coached against Red Lion teams. The players and coaches were top notch. Sadly, those very good people will be tarred by this incident.