Delaware Liberal

Mayberry This Ain’t

I’m not sure how closely you have been following the race for Sheriff in New Castle County.  As small-time elections go, this one has the makings of the most interesting primary in New Castle County.  Long-time Sheriff, Mike Walsh has held the office since Reagan was elected President.  He is being challenged by NCC police spokesperson, Trinidad Navarro in the primary.

According to Navarro, there were rumors that Walsh wasn’t going to run again this year, so he was encouraged to throw his hat in the ring.  Like the Treasurers race, the current office-holder had other plans, setting up a primary that has become increasingly acrimonious.

Their styles and approach couldn’t be different.  Walsh comes off like Barney Fife, often rambling on with anecdotes that seem unconnected to the position he has held for 30 years.  I saw him speak about homes going to sheriffs sale, and suggesting that he, himself isn’t far from that experience (despite having a cake job for 30 years).  Alternatively, Navarro comes off as confident, but he has overplayed his hand in several situations.  He has had plants show up at joint appearances and batter Walsh with loaded questions, implying that Walsh is a slouch.

On technology, Walsh seems to think that things are fine, as is.  Navarro wants to update the technology in the department on a more regular basis.  It appears that until recently, the department has been deficient in software and hardware.

Navarro makes the point that the members of the department, which are not police officers, need training and policies on the continuum of force.  The issue is more important now, as the sheriff’s department staff now carry weapons.  I find Walsh’s explanation farcical.  He actually said that there are two things that tell him that he is doing a good job.  First, there have been no incidents so far.  In other words, none of his people has improperly fired a weapon or maced a constituent, so all is well.  Second, that the News Journal has not done an expose on the department.  Seriously.

Based on that evidence, I would put Walsh on the street tomorrow.  However, Navarro has done himself no favors.  His goon tactics on multiple occasions sounds like an echo of previous cops-turned-politicians in New Castle County.  There are many people that would look at his tactics and the brain trust that appears to be advising him and turn away in disgust.

I suspect that these competing issues are factors in the non-decision by New Castle County Democrats on endorsement in this race.  I think that non-endorsement is the best outcome for Navarro, a rookie politician, against a 30 year incumbent.  Yet, I have heard that there are Navarro supporters still bitching and moaning about the outcome and researching how to appeal.  To me this looks like more of the cop-turned-politician BS, ala GordonBerry.

Navarro really needs to excise his campaign of the unsavory elements and get down to making his case at every event possible.  Walsh is beatable, but in the choice between Barney Fife and Team GordonBerry, people will choose Sheriff Fife every time.

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