Delaware Liberal

Parasite: Your Definition May Differ


The Raytown [Kansas] farmer who posted a sign on a semi-truck trailer accusing Democrats of being the “Party of Parasites” received more than $1 million in federal crop subsidies since 1995.

But David Jungerman says the payouts don’t contradict the sign he put up in a corn field in Bates County along U.S. 71 Highway.

“That’s just my money coming back to me,” Jungerman, 72, said Monday. “I pay a lot in taxes. I’m not a parasite.”

This is typical teabagger behavior. They want to cut government but can’t name any program they want to cut (except money to other people, keep their own programs flowing). The complain about taxes being too high when federal taxes are at their lowest point. They protest against the federal government when it’s state and local taxes that are the biggest tax burden.

It’s a confused, incoherent ideology. It’s no wonder it’s not catching on.

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