You may not know it, but there is a jobs bill in Dover that can’t seem to get a vote. Speaker Gilligan has been dragging his feet on putting the jobs bill on the floor. I am a little amazed by that fact, since it is a jobs bill that doesn’t even have a fiscal note attached. It’s a jobs bill that will mean work for union workers. It will mean work for small businesses up and down the state. And it is a jobs bill that sells a renewable resource.
We need to vote on the film bill (H.B.490) to create jobs this year and for years to come.
Tom Kovach introduced the bill this year, but it is sponsored by 21 other Reps and two senators. Here’s how the program would work:
A film would come to Delaware and say, “ I have a film that I am making. I have secured the distribution rights for the film, once I make it. I have the actors signed on for the film. I have 70% of the money to make the film. All I need is the other 30% to get over the hump”
Now, I know what you are thinking… No freaking way am I paying for 30% of Ishtar! I agree. Instead, we cosign for a loan on the 30% (must not exceed $5M). In exchange:
- They must film 80% of the movie in Delaware
- They must be a Delaware corporation
- The employees must pay Delaware taxes
- They must be insured to pay back the loan, in case of a tragedy (A Tom Cruise thresher accident isn’t out of the realm of possibility)
- The loan must be the first thing paid back (before the other 70% investors)
- Money must be set aside to pay back the interest on the loan (remember, the loan is made by a bank, not the State) for 3 years
Meanwhile, the films are employing caterers, security, local crews, renting facilities, paying tolls, buying fuel, and a dozen other things that films need every day. They are also paying the crew, who are eating, drinking and being merry when they’re between shooting days. Not to mention that we can enhance tourism in Delaware once there is a film depiction of the beautiful beaches and farms in Sussex, the awesome gardens and homes of New Castle County and the huge strips of asphalt that define Kent County.
This just needs to get done. Last year, my sources tell me that Alan Levin pulled the plug on it at the last minute, no doubt because of a failed investment in Waterworld in the 90’s. I was unable to reach my DEDO contact for comment on where Levin is this year, but he seems to be softening (must resist…). The Governors office could have the bill on the agenda with a nod of the head, but they have been preoccupied with budget wrangling and other bills of interest. But this cannot languish any longer.
Besides, this may be my opportunity to leverage my high school acting experience into a lucrative career as a professional extra.