Delaware Liberal

Death by iPhone?

Admittedly, I find Maureen Dowd as useless as Christine O’Donnell. Her column today, “Are Cells the New Cigarettes”, begs the question, Is Dowd the new David Broder?

I’ll skip all of Dowd’s references to bad science, but the one item she stumbles upon I found quite interesting. As San Francisco was debating whether or not to force cell phone sellers do display radiation levels, CTIA — The Wireless Association, threatened to pull their convention out of San Francisco if the billed passed. Well, the bill passed and CTIA did pull out. As Mayor Newsom said:

“Since our bill is relatively benign, it begs the question, why did they work so hard and spend so much money to kill it? I’ve become more fearful, not less, because of their reaction. It’s like BP. Shouldn’t they be doing whatever it takes to protect their global shareholders?”

Big business really don’t know how to roll.

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