Delaware Liberal

Final Appeal – 2Q Fundraising

Today is the last day of the 2nd quarter. Candidates for federal office report their fundraising totals quarterly. It’s a bit of a political game to look at the fundraising totals to see who’s hot and who’s not. We have some local candidates that really need some help.

Chris Coons is taking on faux moderate Republican Mike Castle. Mike Castle never votes for bills he likes and also votes against bills he claims to support. He’s denied federal funding to Delaware, while showing up to take credit for projects he’s voted against.

John Carney is taking on part-time resident and full-time millionaire Michele Rollins. He’ll need money to compete against her, since she’s getting lots of free publicity and adoring press coverage by the News Journal.

Joe Sestak, after defeating Democrat-turned Republican-turned Democrat Arlen Specter, is taking on former Club for Growth president Pat Toomey.

If none of those candidates is your choice, you can give to the Daily Kos Orange to Blue Candidates like Jack Conway (KY-Sen), Alan Grayson (FL-08) or Joe Garcia (FL-25). Or you can peruse Act Blue to find the candidate you like best.

If we want progressive legislation we need a progressive Congress. Letting the teabaggers take over is not an option.

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