This Is A Joke Right?

Filed in National by on July 1, 2010

Josh Marshall received this advertisement in his inbox:

Human Events magazine has a major business sending out emails about different advertisers products. This one just came in.

Dear Fellow Conservative:
Civil War buffs, Southern partisans, and everyone who is tired of liberals vilifying America’s greatest heroes — must have this book on their bookshelf. It shatters the stereotypes and exposes the truth about the South, slavery, and states’ rights.

Get your guide to the Civil War now — it’s FREE.


Thomas S. Winter
Editor in Chief, Human Events

Obama really makes them crazy, doesn’t he? I know Human Events is a pretty fringe-y publication, but really? Slavery? Really?

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Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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  1. Miscreant says:

    “Obama really makes them crazy, doesn’t he?”

    Methinks you give too much credit to our President. They were crazy long before Pres. Obama was on-scene.

  2. Geezer says:

    UI: This is the old “the North wasn’t against slavery” meme, as if that gets the South off the hook for relying on it.

    Miscreant is right. I remember prefering Obama to Hillary Clinton because he seemed like less of a wingnut magnet. Boy was I wrong.

  3. a.price says:

    I stand by my position that America would be much better off if we had just let the south go.
    Sure we would have had to fight to help free the slaves, maybe help evacuate all the non white non christian non conservatives, but if we had just let the insane angry white fringe leave when they wanted to, think of all the D-bag conservatives we wouldnt have had in our nations history!

    And to all you “proud sons of dixie”, only a few good things happened in the south… some of them like the Battle of Cowpens and Gilford Courthouse were because of northern generals. Other than that you should only feel shame when you look back on your history of hate, persecution, and xenophobia.

  4. fightingbluehen says:

    No one gives a shit about Obama’s race, which is half caucasian, if you forgot.

    Geezer said, ” Miscreant is right. I remember preferring Obama to Hillary Clinton because he seemed like less of a wingnut magnet. Boy was I wrong.”

    You weren’t wrong, you were fooled. He ran as a centrist, just like all liberals do, and now he governs like a total liberal, and he is rightfully attacked for it.

  5. Geezer says:

    “now he governs like a total liberal, and he is rightfully attacked for it.”

    Quite the opposite, I’m afraid. If you reverse the labels you have attached, you’ll have it closer to right.

  6. delacrat says:


    What is “liberal” about Obomba’s latest request for $33 billion to kill people in Afghanistan ?

    What was “liberal” about his Wall St. bailouts?

    What was “liberal” handing working people to the tender mercies of for-profit health insurance companies?

    Do you seriously think the US military, Wall St. and for-profit insurance companies are hot-beds of liberalism?

  7. Phil says:

    hahaha a.price. all the non conservatives. If I remember right, wasn’t it Democrats that were for slavery? Wasn’t it the new republican party that was for equal rights?

  8. a.price says:

    i said conservatives, idiot. not “republicans”. The republican party was once the progressive party. fighting for equal rights was considered “liberal”. The split came in the late 60’s when the racist dems left the party and were welcomed with open white hoods to the GOP.


  9. Observer says:

    Obviously, UI, there needs to be book control, with government licensing and censorship of books to make sure that things like this don’t get into the hands of the public.

  10. Observer says:

    Funny, the only white-hooder who appeared to be welcome in either party was Robert Byrd, may he burn in Hell like the crosses he and his cohorts used to terrorize blacks, Jews, Catholics and Republicans.